By Paul L. Williams & Jeffrey Epstein, America's Truth Forum
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Urgent news from Peshawar. The head of the Islamabad-based Al-Quds Media Center has received a message from a senior Taliban leader who calls upon all Muslims living in the United States to leave the country as soon as possible "because God's punishment will fall upon America in the month of Ramadan."
Jamal Ismail, a senior journalist at Al-Quds, received the call Thursday from Mulla Masoom Afghani. "Afghani said he was speaking from somewhere in the Kandahar province," Ismail said. "He read the message in Arabic, which I recorded. In it he advised Muslim residents of America to get out to escape harm because the United States could face big attacks in the month of Ramadan."
This is the second notice for Muslims to leave America. The first was issued to Hamid Mir, the only journalist to interview Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri in the wake of 9/11. Mir received the warning from Abu Dawood, the newly appointed commander of the al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan, who said:
Final preparations have been made for the American Hiroshima, a major attack on the U. S.
Muslims living in the United States should leave the country without further warning.
The attack will be commandeered by Adnan el Shukrijumah ("Jaffer Tayyer" or "Jafer the Pilot"), a naturalized American citizen, who was raised in Brooklyn and educated in southern Florida.
The al Qaeda operatives who will launch this attack are awaiting final orders. They remain in place in cities throughout the country. Many are masquerading as Christians and have adopted Christian names.
Al Qaeda and the Taliban will also launch a major strike (known as the "Badar offensive" against the coalition forces in Afghanistan during the holy month of Ramadan.
Mir interviewed Dawood on September 1 at the tomb of Sultan Mehmud Ghaznawi in Ghazni, about 120 kilometers south of Kabul. Dawood and the al Qaeda leaders who accompanied him were clean-shaven and dressed as Western reporters. The al Qaeda commandeer had contacted Mir by cell-phone to arrange the meeting. The contents of the encounter are as follows:
Q: How did you have my local mobile number?
A: We watched you on Geo TV walking in the mountains near Kabul with British troops. You were embedded with our enemies. We were sure that you are staying in one of the few hotels or guest houses in Kabul. We were looking for you in Serena and Intercontinental hotels, but then some Taliban friends informed us that they had your phone number and you might visit them in Zabul [an Afghani province]. We got your number from Commander [Muhsen] Khayber. [Khayber was responsible for a homicide bombing in Casablanca that killed 32 people]. Don't worry about that. We will not make any harm to you. We just want to warn you that you better don't take any rides in the tanks and humvis of the Western Forces; they are not safe for any journalist in Afghanistan.
Q: Thanks for your concern; can I know your name?
A: Yes my name is Abu Dawood, if you remember, we have already met in Kunar two years ago, but at that time I had a long beard, now I have a small one. You were there in the mountains, close to Asadaabad [a small village in the Kunar province of eastern Afghanistan] and you met some Al Qaeda fighters. I was among them.
Q: OK. I just want to say that I am a journalist, I have to speak to both sides of a conflict, for getting an objective view and that is why I was traveling with the British troops; now I am sitting with you and that is my real job. I have interviewed Osama bin Laden as well as Condoleezza Rice, General Pervez Musharraf and President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan. I hope you will appreciate my objective approach?
A: You have claimed to be objective, but you and your TV channel have always given much time to the propaganda of our enemies. Anyhow, it was our moral responsibility to warn you that you better try to avoid traveling with the British, American, Canadian, French, Spanish and Italian troops in Afghanistan, we will target all of them, we don't want that people like you suffer by our attacks, it is not good for you, and at least you should not be killed with the enemies of Islam. I am sure, brother Khayber have informed you that the Taliban will launch a big operation against the Crusader Forces, in the holy month of Ramadan; don't come to Afghanistan in Ramadan. You will see a lot of fadaee amalyat ["suicide bombings"] in coming days, Kabul will become a graveyard of NATO and ISAF.
Q: Yes Khayber told me about the "Badar operation" in Ramadan. I think you are an Afghani but you are not a Talib, are you a member of Al Qaeda?
A: You are right. But we are with the Taliban, just helping them, fighting under their command. Every Al Qaeda fighter can become a Talib, but every Talib cannot become Al Qaeda.
Q: So where is Sheikh Osama bin Laden?
A: I don't know exactly, but he is still in command of Al Qaeda, and he is in contact with his Mujaheddin all over the world.
Q: Why there was no new video statement from him, in last two years?
A: Because the CIA can feed his fresh picture to the computers fitted on their Predator planes, and these planes can get him, like Nek Muhammad or Akbar Bugti. But he has released many audio messages this year. Listen to him carefully. Don't underestimate his warnings. America is playing with the security of Muslims all over the world, now it is our turn again. Our brothers are ready to attack inside America. We will breach their security again. There is no timeframe for our attack inside America; we can do it any time.
Q: What do you mean by another attack in America?
A: Yes a bigger attack than September 11th 2001. Brother Adnan [el Shukrijumah] will lead that attack, Inshallah.
Q:Who is Adnan?
A: He is our old friend. The last time, I met him in early 2004, in Khost. He came to Khost from the North Waziristan. He met his leaders and friends in Khost. He is very well known in Al Qaeda. He is an American and a friend of Muhammad Atta, who led 9/11 attacks five years ago. We call him "Jaffer al Tayyar" ["Jafer the Pilot"]; he is very brave and intelligent. Bush is aware that brother Adnan has smuggled deadly materials inside America from the Mexican border. Bush is silent about him, because he doesn't want to panic his people. Sheikh Osama bin Laden has completed his cycle of warnings. You know, he is man of his words, he is not a politician; he always does what he says. If he said it many times that Americans will see new attacks, they will definitely see new attacks. He is a real Mujahid. Americans will not win this war, which they have started against Muslims. Americans are the biggest supporters of the biggest terrorist in the world, which is Israel. You have witnessed the brutality of the Israelis in the recent 34-day war against Lebanese civilians. 9/11 was a revenge of Palestinian children, killed by the US-made weapons, supplied to Israel. The next attack on America would be a revenge of Lebanese children killed by US-made cluster bombs. Bush and Blair are the Crusaders, and Muslim leaders, like Musharraf and [Afghani President Hamid] Karzai are their collaborators, we will teach a lesson to all of them. We are also not happy with some religious parties in Pakistan and Egypt, they got votes in the name of Mujaheddin, and then, they collaborated with Musharraf and [Egyptian President] Hosni Mubarak. Now look at all of them, Musharraf and Karzai don't trust each other, the CIA and ISI don't trust each other, all the hypocrites and enemies of Mujaheddin are suspecting each other; this help to us is coming from Heavens. Allah is with us.
Q: But if you attack inside America again, then Muslims living in America will face lot of problems, why would you like to create new problems for your brothers and sisters?
A: Muslims should leave America. We cannot stop our attack just because of the American Muslims; they must realize that American forces are killing innocent Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq; we have the right to respond back, in the same manner, in the enemy's homeland. The American Muslims are like a human shield for our enemy; they must leave New York and Washington.
Q: But your fighters are also using the American Muslims as their shield, if there are no Muslims in America, then there would be no Al Qaeda, may be the Americans would feel safer?
A: No, not at all. We have a different plan for the next attack. You will see. Americans will hardly find out any Muslim names, after the next attack. Most of our brothers are living in Western countries, with Jewish and Christian names, with passports of Western countries. This time, someone with the name of Muhammad Atta will not attack inside America, it would be some David, Richard or Peter.
Q: So you will not attack America, until Muslims are there?
A: I am not saying that, I am saying that Muslims must leave America, but we can attack America anytime. Our cycle of warnings has been completed, now we have fresh edicts from some prominent Muslim scholars to destroy our enemy, this is our defending of Jihad; the enemy has entered in our homes and we have the right to enter in their homes, they are killing us, we will kill them.
Ramadan represents the ninth month of the Islamic year, the month in which the Koran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed. According to Muslim tradition, the actual revelation occurred on the night between the 26th and 27th days of the month. On this "Night of Determination," Allah determines the fate of the world for the coming year.
Long time investigative journalist, Paul L. Williams is the author of such best-selling books as The Dunces of Doomsday, The Al Qaeda Connection , Osama's Revenge: The Next 9/11. He has been the subject of a PBS documentary and the subject of programs on the Discovery and History channels. He is a frequent guest on such national news networks as Fox News, MSNBC, and NPR.
Jeffrey M. Epstein is the founder and President of America's Truth Forum, which hosted the first-ever and critically acclaimed symposium on the threat of radical Islamist terrorism. Mr. Epstein has been featured on Fox & Friends and has appeared on numerous local and national television and radio talk shows.
The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and Al-Qaeda
By John Loftus, Jewish Community News 4/10/06
I had an unusual education in the Holocaust. When I was working for the Attorney General, I was assigned to do the classified research about the Holocaust, so I went underground to a little town called Suitland, Maryland, right outside Washington, D.C., and that's where the U.S. government buries its secrets -- literally.
There are twenty vaults underground and each vault is one acre in size. Anyone see the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? The last scene of that movie is what the underground vaults are really like, only not as organized as they are in the movie. And in those underground vaults I discovered something horrible.
I learned that many of the Nazis that I had been assigned to prosecute were on the CIA payroll, but the CIA didn't know they were Nazis because the British Intelligence Service had lied to them. What the British Intelligence Service didn't know was that their liar was Kim Philby, the Soviet communist double agent -- a little scandal of the Cold War. But our State Department swept it all under the rug and allowed the Nazis to stay in America until I was stupid enough to go public with it.
What do you do when you want to go public with a story like this one? You call up "60 Minutes." We had a great time. Mike Wallace gave me 30 minutes on his show. For a long time, it was the longest segment that "60 Minutes" ever did. When the episode about Nazis in America went on the air back in 1982, it caused a minor national uproar. Congress demanded hearings, Mike Wallace got the Emmy award, and my family got the death threats. It was a great trip.
Then a funny thing happened. Over the last 25 years, every retired spy in the U.S. and Canada and England all wanted me to be their lawyer, for free of course. So I had 500 clients, they paid me $1 apiece. So I am the worst paid lawyer in America, but among the better employed.
Let me give you an example. This year a friend of mine from the CIA, named Bob Baer wrote a very good book about Saudi Arabia and terrorism, it's called Sleeping with the Devil. I read the book and I got about a third of the way through and I stopped. Bob was writing how when he worked for the CIA how bad the files were.
He said, for example, the files for the Muslim Brotherhood were almost nothing. There were just a few newspaper clippings. I called Bob up and said, "Bob, that's wrong. The CIA has enormous files on the Muslim Brotherhood, volumes of them. I know because I read them a quarter of a century ago." He said, "What do you mean?"
Here's how you can find all of the missing secrets about the Muslim Brotherhood -- and you can do this, too. I said, "Bob, go to your computer and type in two words into the search part. Type the word "Banna," B-a-n-n-a. He said, "Yeah." Type in "Nazi." Bob typed the two words in, and out came 30 to 40 articles from around the world. He read them and called me back and said, "Oh my gosh, what have we done?"
What I'm doing today is doing what I'm doing now: I'm educating a new generation in the CIA that the Muslim Brotherhood was a fascist organization that was hired by Western intelligence that evolved over time into what we today know as al-Qaeda.
Here's how the story began. In the 1920s there was a young Egyptian named al Bana. And al Bana formed this nationalist group called the Muslim Brotherhood. Al Bana was a devout admirer of Adolph Hitler and wrote to him frequently. So persistent was he in his admiration of the new Nazi Party that in the 1930s, al-Bana and the Muslim Brotherhood became a secret arm of Nazi intelligence.
The Arab Nazis had much in common with the new Nazi doctrines. They hated Jews; they hated democracy; and they hated the Western culture. It became the official policy of the Third Reich to secretly develop the Muslim Brotherhood as the fifth Parliament, an army inside Egypt.
When war broke out, the Muslim Brotherhood promised in writing that they would rise up and help General Rommell and make sure that no English or American soldier was left alive in Cairo or Alexandria.
The Muslim Brotherhood began to expand in scope and influence during World War II. They even had a Palestinian section headed by the grand Mufti of Jerusalem, one of the great bigots of all time. Here, too, was a man -- The grand Mufti of Jerusalem was the Muslim Brotherhood representative for Palestine. These were undoubtedly Arab Nazis. The Grand Mufti, for example, went to Germany during the war and helped recruit an international SS division of Arab Nazis. They based it in Croatia and called it the "Handjar" Muslim Division, but it was to become the core of Hitler's new army of Arab fascists that would conquer the Arab peninsula from then on to Africa -- grand dreams.
At the end of World War II, the Muslim Brotherhood was wanted for war crimes. Their German intelligence handlers were captured in Cairo. The whole net was rolled up by the British Secret Service. Then a horrible thing happened.
Instead of prosecuting the Nazis -- the Muslim Brotherhood -- the British government hired them. They brought all the fugitive Nazi war criminals of Arab and Muslim descent into Egypt, and for three years they were trained on a special mission. The British Secret Service wanted to use the fascists of the Muslim Brotherhood to strike down the infant state of Israel in 1948. Only a few people in the Mossad know this, but many of the members of the Arab Armies and terrorist groups that tried to strangle the infant State of Israel were the Arab Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Britain was not alone. The French intelligence service cooperated by releasing the Grand Mufti and smuggling him to Egypt, so all of the Arab Nazis came together. So, from 1945 to 1948, the British Secret Service protected every Arab Nazi they could, but they failed to quash the State of Israel.
What the British did then, they sold the Arab Nazis to the predecessor of what became the CIA. It may sound stupid; it may sound evil, but it did happen. The idea was that we were going to use the Arab Nazis in the Middle East as a counterweight to the Arab communists. Just as the Soviet Union was funding Arab communists, we would fund the Arab Nazis to fight against. And lots of secret classes took place. We kept the Muslim Brotherhood on our payroll.
But the Egyptians became nervous. Nasser ordered all of the Muslim Brotherhood out of Egypt or be imprisoned, and we would execute them all. During the 1950's, the CIA evacuated the Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood to Saudi Arabia. Now when they arrived in Saudi Arabia, some of the leading lights of the Muslim Brotherhood like Azzam, became the teachers in the Madrasas, the religious schools. And there they combined the doctrines of Nazism with this weird Islamic cult, Wahhabiism.
Everyone thinks that Islam is this fanatical religion, but it is not. They think that Islam -- the Saudi version of Islam -- is typical, but it's not. The Wahhabi cult was condemned as a heresy more than 60 times by the Muslim nations. But when the Saudis got wealthy, they bought a lot of silence. This is a very harsh cult. The Wahhabiism was only practiced by two nations, the Taliban and Saudi Arabia. That's how extreme it is. It really has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is a very peaceful and tolerant religion. It has always had good relationships with the Jews for the first thousand years of its existence.
For the Saudis, there was a ruler in charge of Saudi Arabia, and they were the new home of the Muslim Brotherhood, and fascism and extremism were mingled in these schools. And there was a young student who paid attention - - and Azzam's student was named Osama Bin Ladin. Osama Bin Ladin was taught by the Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood who had emigrated to Saudi Arabia.
In 1979 the CIA decided to take the Arab Nazis out of cold storage. The Russians had invaded Afghanistan, so we told the Saudis that we would fund them if they would bring all of the Arab Nazis together and ship them off to Afghanistan to fight the Russians. We had to rename them. We couldn't call them the Muslim Brotherhood because that was too sensitive a name. Its Nazi cast was too known. So we called them the Maktab al Khidimat il Mujahideen, the MAK.
And the CIA lied to Congress and said they didn't know who was on the payroll in Afghanistan, except the Saudis. But it was not true. A small section CIA knew perfectly well that we had once again hired the Arab Nazis and that we were using them to fight our secret wars.
Azzam and his assistant, Osama Bin Ladin, rose to some prominence from 1979 to '89, and they won the war. They drove the Russians out of Afghanistan. Our CIA said, "We won, let's go home!" and we left this army of Arab fascists in the field of Afghanistan.
Saudis didn't want to come back. Saudis started paying bribes to Osama Bin Ladin and his followers to stay out of Saudi Arabia. Now the MAK split in half. Azzam was mysteriously assassinated apparently by Osama Bin Ladin himself. The radical group -- the most radical of the merge of the Arab fascists and religious extremists -- Osama called that al Qaeda. But to this day there are branches of the Muslim Brotherhood all through al Qaeda.
Osama Bin Ladin's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, came from the Egyptian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, the results of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
There are many flavors and branches, but they are all Muslim Brotherhoods. There is one in Israel. The organization you know as "Hammas" is actually a secret chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood. When Israel assassinated Sheik Yassin a month ago, the Muslim Brotherhood published his obituary in a Cairo newspaper in Arabic and revealed that he was actually the secret leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza.
So the Muslim Brotherhood became this poison that spread throughout the Middle East and on 9/11, it began to spread around the world.
I know this sounds like some sort of a sick fantasy, but go to your computer and type in the words "Banna," B-a-n-n-a and the word "Nazi," N-a-z-i, and you will see all of the articles come up. Those are all the pieces of information that the CIA was trying to hide from its employees. It did not want them to know the awful past. So, in 1984, when I was exposing European Nazis on the CIA payroll, at the same time they were trying to hide from Congress the fact that they had Arab Nazis back on the payroll to fight the Russians -- a stupid and corrupt program.
So, when Bob Baer studied his files, he was just stunned. A whole generation: the current CIA people know nothing about this. And believe me, the current generation CIA are good and decent Americans and I like them a lot. They're trying to do a good job, but part of their problem is their files have been shredded. All of these secrets have to come out.
So, of course, my clients in the intelligence community said, "Well, what are you doing?" They gave me an example. They said, "Here's how the Saudis finance these groups. The Saudis have established a group of charities on a street in Virginia. It's 555 Grove St., Herndon, Virginia." So I said, "OK the Saudis are terrorists, so what?" These charities fund Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda. The Saudis are getting tax deductions for terrorism. They have set up front groups so all the terrorists groups in the U.S. and the front groups get the Saudi money as a charitable donation.
I said, "You're kidding me." Nope. And they told me that right near where I lived in Tampa, Florida was one of the leading terrorists in the world. There were these two professors at the University of South Florida. One had just left -- and he was now in Syria -- and he was the world head of Islamic Jihad. His number two, the head of Islamic Jihad in the Western Hemisphere, was Dr. Sami al-Arian, who is still employed as a professor at the University of South Florida. You've got to be kidding. This can't be true.
Yes, these guys are raising money all across America and shipping it to Syria to go down to Palestine, the Palestinian areas, and hire suicide bombers to kill Jews. They sent me the videotapes. There was Professor al-Arian on stage and one of his friends gets up and says, "Now, who will give me $500 to kill a Jew? There are people standing by in Jerusalem who will go out in the street and stab a Jew with a knife, but we need $500." And he said, "All of this money will go to the Islamic committee for Palestine." And that is the front group in the United States for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
So I had all my friends in the FBI and CIA send in these files. I said, "Why haven't you prosecuted this guy? You've known about him since 1989." "We'd love to. We've tried to prosecute him but we were told we couldn't touch him because he gets all of his money from the Saudis, and we are all under orders not to do anything to embarrass the Saudi government."
I said, "I don't mind embarrassing them." You know what I did? I donated money to the charity that was the terrorist fund, because under Florida law, that gave me the right to sue the charity to find out where my money was going. It was hilarious.
In early March, 2002, I drafted a long lawsuit exposing Professor Sami al-Arian, naming all the crimes he'd committed, all the bombings in Israel, the fundraising in America with terrorism. I mentioned how his money got to him from the Saudis and how the Saudis had convinced our government not to prosecute him for political reasons. Because of my high-level security clearances, everything I write is sort of classified material and has to be sent back to the government before publication, for censorship. So I sent my long lawsuit complaint to the CIA, and they loved it. They said, "Oh, great. We don't like the Saudis either. Go sue them."
Three days later two FBI Agents showed up at my door, saying, "You know, there are only 21 people in the U.S. government that knew some of this information, and now you're 22. How did you find out?" I said, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you, attorney-client privilege." That's why my clients pay me $1.00 each.
The day before I went to file the lawsuit, I got a frantic phone call from the United States Department of Justice. They said, "John, please don't file the lawsuit tomorrow. We really are going to raid these Saudi charities. We're going to close them down. Just give us more time." "Oh yeah, you're going to raid them. That's what you told me in January - - and again in February, and now it's March. You want more time? I'll give you until 4:00 o'clock tomorrow. I'm filing my complaint at 10:00 a.m., so that at 4:00 p.m., I'm going to release the address of the Saudi charities. Back tomorrow. I filed my lawsuit at 10:00 o'clock, and told the press I was going to hold something back for a little bit.
At 10:15, the U.S. government launched Operation Greenquest, a massive raid on all the Saudi charities in homes and businesses, and in one hour we shut down the entire Saudi money-laundering network in America.
From March 20, 2002 to the present, the government has found more and more evidence seized in those archives on that single raid that day. The evidence was so compelling that Professor al-Arian is no longer giving his speeches. He is now in federal prison awaiting trial. His accomplice, Hammoudeh, has also been indicted. Some 32 different people have been indicted in the United States as a direct result of these efforts.
But not the Saudis -- not the Saudis.
A month after I filed my lawsuit against al-Arian, I did it: I caused some trouble. I invited some 40 of the top trial lawyers in America to come down to St. Petersburg, Florida. Boy, did I have a deal for them. I wanted them to put up millions of dollars of their own money -- I'm poor, I had no money to give them -- but I wanted to do something for America.
These are lawyers like Ron Motley that had won billions of dollars in their lawsuits against the tobacco industry and the asbestos industry. I said, "What I want you to do is look at the evidence I've collected. It's the same Saudi banks and charities that funded Sami al-Arian that also funded al Qaeda." I said, "I want you to bring a class action in Federal Court in Washington on behalf of everyone who died on Sept. 11th. I'm going to work for free and collect all the evidence, introduce you to the experts, provide all the exhibits and documents . . . and we have to do this for America."
The lawyers studied all the documents I collected, and on August 15, 2002, they filed the largest class-action lawsuit in American history in the Federal District Court in Washington D.C., asking for one trillion dollars damages against the Saudis. The lawsuit said essentially that all these Saudi banks had one thing in common. They were bribing Osama bin Ladin 300 million dollars a year to stay out of Saudi Arabia and go blow up someone else.
Well, on 9/11, we found out we were someone else, and the Saudis had to pay for their negligence. So that lawsuit is coming along very well.
And more and more people in the CIA and FBI are sort of using me as a back channel to get our information. So, believe it or not, they've actually given me my own TV show now on Sunday mornings on FOX TV nationwide. I'm on at 11:20 eastern standard time. And ABC Radio has given me a national radio program, but I'm on at 10:30 at night and it's past your bedtime.
What I've become in my old age is a teacher. Twenty-five years ago I was a lot younger, a lot thinner, but now every day I get 500 to 1,000 e-mails from honest men and women around the world from the intelligence community.
And we have to end the evil in this world. We have to recognize that al Qaeda simply didn't spring up on its own. The evil route was Nazism. The al Qaeda Doctrine is the same as the Arab Nazis held. They hated Jews, they hate democracy, and they hate Westerners for Western culture. Al Qaeda is nothing more than the religious expression of Arab Fascism. We allowed this branch of the Nazi trunk to survive, to flourish, and it has come back to haunt us.
We must do a better job. Look at these children. They are our legacy. If we are to keep our children safe, we must teach them the lessons of the past. Every generation should know what these candles mean. Not only that one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the world really happened, but the evil that caused it -- Nazism -- survived because we didn't fight hard enough. We didn't finish the job.
But we must tell our children that in every generation the men and women of America have stood side by side with our Jewish, Christian, and Moslem brothers. We have risen up together against hatred. America is united now.
We will win the war on terror, and we will finish the job that these soldiers and survivors started more than a half-century ago. We must set the standard that to teach a child to hate is the worst form of child abuse. We must work together to end racism in our children's lifetime. We must teach our children to remember the Holocaust and be proud, so proud of those who survived and inspired us with their courage. In their name, in their honor, let us go forward and fight together.
I had an unusual education in the Holocaust. When I was working for the Attorney General, I was assigned to do the classified research about the Holocaust, so I went underground to a little town called Suitland, Maryland, right outside Washington, D.C., and that's where the U.S. government buries its secrets -- literally.
There are twenty vaults underground and each vault is one acre in size. Anyone see the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? The last scene of that movie is what the underground vaults are really like, only not as organized as they are in the movie. And in those underground vaults I discovered something horrible.
I learned that many of the Nazis that I had been assigned to prosecute were on the CIA payroll, but the CIA didn't know they were Nazis because the British Intelligence Service had lied to them. What the British Intelligence Service didn't know was that their liar was Kim Philby, the Soviet communist double agent -- a little scandal of the Cold War. But our State Department swept it all under the rug and allowed the Nazis to stay in America until I was stupid enough to go public with it.
What do you do when you want to go public with a story like this one? You call up "60 Minutes." We had a great time. Mike Wallace gave me 30 minutes on his show. For a long time, it was the longest segment that "60 Minutes" ever did. When the episode about Nazis in America went on the air back in 1982, it caused a minor national uproar. Congress demanded hearings, Mike Wallace got the Emmy award, and my family got the death threats. It was a great trip.
Then a funny thing happened. Over the last 25 years, every retired spy in the U.S. and Canada and England all wanted me to be their lawyer, for free of course. So I had 500 clients, they paid me $1 apiece. So I am the worst paid lawyer in America, but among the better employed.
Let me give you an example. This year a friend of mine from the CIA, named Bob Baer wrote a very good book about Saudi Arabia and terrorism, it's called Sleeping with the Devil. I read the book and I got about a third of the way through and I stopped. Bob was writing how when he worked for the CIA how bad the files were.
He said, for example, the files for the Muslim Brotherhood were almost nothing. There were just a few newspaper clippings. I called Bob up and said, "Bob, that's wrong. The CIA has enormous files on the Muslim Brotherhood, volumes of them. I know because I read them a quarter of a century ago." He said, "What do you mean?"
Here's how you can find all of the missing secrets about the Muslim Brotherhood -- and you can do this, too. I said, "Bob, go to your computer and type in two words into the search part. Type the word "Banna," B-a-n-n-a. He said, "Yeah." Type in "Nazi." Bob typed the two words in, and out came 30 to 40 articles from around the world. He read them and called me back and said, "Oh my gosh, what have we done?"
What I'm doing today is doing what I'm doing now: I'm educating a new generation in the CIA that the Muslim Brotherhood was a fascist organization that was hired by Western intelligence that evolved over time into what we today know as al-Qaeda.
Here's how the story began. In the 1920s there was a young Egyptian named al Bana. And al Bana formed this nationalist group called the Muslim Brotherhood. Al Bana was a devout admirer of Adolph Hitler and wrote to him frequently. So persistent was he in his admiration of the new Nazi Party that in the 1930s, al-Bana and the Muslim Brotherhood became a secret arm of Nazi intelligence.
The Arab Nazis had much in common with the new Nazi doctrines. They hated Jews; they hated democracy; and they hated the Western culture. It became the official policy of the Third Reich to secretly develop the Muslim Brotherhood as the fifth Parliament, an army inside Egypt.
When war broke out, the Muslim Brotherhood promised in writing that they would rise up and help General Rommell and make sure that no English or American soldier was left alive in Cairo or Alexandria.
The Muslim Brotherhood began to expand in scope and influence during World War II. They even had a Palestinian section headed by the grand Mufti of Jerusalem, one of the great bigots of all time. Here, too, was a man -- The grand Mufti of Jerusalem was the Muslim Brotherhood representative for Palestine. These were undoubtedly Arab Nazis. The Grand Mufti, for example, went to Germany during the war and helped recruit an international SS division of Arab Nazis. They based it in Croatia and called it the "Handjar" Muslim Division, but it was to become the core of Hitler's new army of Arab fascists that would conquer the Arab peninsula from then on to Africa -- grand dreams.
At the end of World War II, the Muslim Brotherhood was wanted for war crimes. Their German intelligence handlers were captured in Cairo. The whole net was rolled up by the British Secret Service. Then a horrible thing happened.
Instead of prosecuting the Nazis -- the Muslim Brotherhood -- the British government hired them. They brought all the fugitive Nazi war criminals of Arab and Muslim descent into Egypt, and for three years they were trained on a special mission. The British Secret Service wanted to use the fascists of the Muslim Brotherhood to strike down the infant state of Israel in 1948. Only a few people in the Mossad know this, but many of the members of the Arab Armies and terrorist groups that tried to strangle the infant State of Israel were the Arab Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Britain was not alone. The French intelligence service cooperated by releasing the Grand Mufti and smuggling him to Egypt, so all of the Arab Nazis came together. So, from 1945 to 1948, the British Secret Service protected every Arab Nazi they could, but they failed to quash the State of Israel.
What the British did then, they sold the Arab Nazis to the predecessor of what became the CIA. It may sound stupid; it may sound evil, but it did happen. The idea was that we were going to use the Arab Nazis in the Middle East as a counterweight to the Arab communists. Just as the Soviet Union was funding Arab communists, we would fund the Arab Nazis to fight against. And lots of secret classes took place. We kept the Muslim Brotherhood on our payroll.
But the Egyptians became nervous. Nasser ordered all of the Muslim Brotherhood out of Egypt or be imprisoned, and we would execute them all. During the 1950's, the CIA evacuated the Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood to Saudi Arabia. Now when they arrived in Saudi Arabia, some of the leading lights of the Muslim Brotherhood like Azzam, became the teachers in the Madrasas, the religious schools. And there they combined the doctrines of Nazism with this weird Islamic cult, Wahhabiism.
Everyone thinks that Islam is this fanatical religion, but it is not. They think that Islam -- the Saudi version of Islam -- is typical, but it's not. The Wahhabi cult was condemned as a heresy more than 60 times by the Muslim nations. But when the Saudis got wealthy, they bought a lot of silence. This is a very harsh cult. The Wahhabiism was only practiced by two nations, the Taliban and Saudi Arabia. That's how extreme it is. It really has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is a very peaceful and tolerant religion. It has always had good relationships with the Jews for the first thousand years of its existence.
For the Saudis, there was a ruler in charge of Saudi Arabia, and they were the new home of the Muslim Brotherhood, and fascism and extremism were mingled in these schools. And there was a young student who paid attention - - and Azzam's student was named Osama Bin Ladin. Osama Bin Ladin was taught by the Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood who had emigrated to Saudi Arabia.
In 1979 the CIA decided to take the Arab Nazis out of cold storage. The Russians had invaded Afghanistan, so we told the Saudis that we would fund them if they would bring all of the Arab Nazis together and ship them off to Afghanistan to fight the Russians. We had to rename them. We couldn't call them the Muslim Brotherhood because that was too sensitive a name. Its Nazi cast was too known. So we called them the Maktab al Khidimat il Mujahideen, the MAK.
And the CIA lied to Congress and said they didn't know who was on the payroll in Afghanistan, except the Saudis. But it was not true. A small section CIA knew perfectly well that we had once again hired the Arab Nazis and that we were using them to fight our secret wars.
Azzam and his assistant, Osama Bin Ladin, rose to some prominence from 1979 to '89, and they won the war. They drove the Russians out of Afghanistan. Our CIA said, "We won, let's go home!" and we left this army of Arab fascists in the field of Afghanistan.
Saudis didn't want to come back. Saudis started paying bribes to Osama Bin Ladin and his followers to stay out of Saudi Arabia. Now the MAK split in half. Azzam was mysteriously assassinated apparently by Osama Bin Ladin himself. The radical group -- the most radical of the merge of the Arab fascists and religious extremists -- Osama called that al Qaeda. But to this day there are branches of the Muslim Brotherhood all through al Qaeda.
Osama Bin Ladin's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, came from the Egyptian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, the results of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
There are many flavors and branches, but they are all Muslim Brotherhoods. There is one in Israel. The organization you know as "Hammas" is actually a secret chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood. When Israel assassinated Sheik Yassin a month ago, the Muslim Brotherhood published his obituary in a Cairo newspaper in Arabic and revealed that he was actually the secret leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza.
So the Muslim Brotherhood became this poison that spread throughout the Middle East and on 9/11, it began to spread around the world.
I know this sounds like some sort of a sick fantasy, but go to your computer and type in the words "Banna," B-a-n-n-a and the word "Nazi," N-a-z-i, and you will see all of the articles come up. Those are all the pieces of information that the CIA was trying to hide from its employees. It did not want them to know the awful past. So, in 1984, when I was exposing European Nazis on the CIA payroll, at the same time they were trying to hide from Congress the fact that they had Arab Nazis back on the payroll to fight the Russians -- a stupid and corrupt program.
So, when Bob Baer studied his files, he was just stunned. A whole generation: the current CIA people know nothing about this. And believe me, the current generation CIA are good and decent Americans and I like them a lot. They're trying to do a good job, but part of their problem is their files have been shredded. All of these secrets have to come out.
So, of course, my clients in the intelligence community said, "Well, what are you doing?" They gave me an example. They said, "Here's how the Saudis finance these groups. The Saudis have established a group of charities on a street in Virginia. It's 555 Grove St., Herndon, Virginia." So I said, "OK the Saudis are terrorists, so what?" These charities fund Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda. The Saudis are getting tax deductions for terrorism. They have set up front groups so all the terrorists groups in the U.S. and the front groups get the Saudi money as a charitable donation.
I said, "You're kidding me." Nope. And they told me that right near where I lived in Tampa, Florida was one of the leading terrorists in the world. There were these two professors at the University of South Florida. One had just left -- and he was now in Syria -- and he was the world head of Islamic Jihad. His number two, the head of Islamic Jihad in the Western Hemisphere, was Dr. Sami al-Arian, who is still employed as a professor at the University of South Florida. You've got to be kidding. This can't be true.
Yes, these guys are raising money all across America and shipping it to Syria to go down to Palestine, the Palestinian areas, and hire suicide bombers to kill Jews. They sent me the videotapes. There was Professor al-Arian on stage and one of his friends gets up and says, "Now, who will give me $500 to kill a Jew? There are people standing by in Jerusalem who will go out in the street and stab a Jew with a knife, but we need $500." And he said, "All of this money will go to the Islamic committee for Palestine." And that is the front group in the United States for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
So I had all my friends in the FBI and CIA send in these files. I said, "Why haven't you prosecuted this guy? You've known about him since 1989." "We'd love to. We've tried to prosecute him but we were told we couldn't touch him because he gets all of his money from the Saudis, and we are all under orders not to do anything to embarrass the Saudi government."
I said, "I don't mind embarrassing them." You know what I did? I donated money to the charity that was the terrorist fund, because under Florida law, that gave me the right to sue the charity to find out where my money was going. It was hilarious.
In early March, 2002, I drafted a long lawsuit exposing Professor Sami al-Arian, naming all the crimes he'd committed, all the bombings in Israel, the fundraising in America with terrorism. I mentioned how his money got to him from the Saudis and how the Saudis had convinced our government not to prosecute him for political reasons. Because of my high-level security clearances, everything I write is sort of classified material and has to be sent back to the government before publication, for censorship. So I sent my long lawsuit complaint to the CIA, and they loved it. They said, "Oh, great. We don't like the Saudis either. Go sue them."
Three days later two FBI Agents showed up at my door, saying, "You know, there are only 21 people in the U.S. government that knew some of this information, and now you're 22. How did you find out?" I said, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you, attorney-client privilege." That's why my clients pay me $1.00 each.
The day before I went to file the lawsuit, I got a frantic phone call from the United States Department of Justice. They said, "John, please don't file the lawsuit tomorrow. We really are going to raid these Saudi charities. We're going to close them down. Just give us more time." "Oh yeah, you're going to raid them. That's what you told me in January - - and again in February, and now it's March. You want more time? I'll give you until 4:00 o'clock tomorrow. I'm filing my complaint at 10:00 a.m., so that at 4:00 p.m., I'm going to release the address of the Saudi charities. Back tomorrow. I filed my lawsuit at 10:00 o'clock, and told the press I was going to hold something back for a little bit.
At 10:15, the U.S. government launched Operation Greenquest, a massive raid on all the Saudi charities in homes and businesses, and in one hour we shut down the entire Saudi money-laundering network in America.
From March 20, 2002 to the present, the government has found more and more evidence seized in those archives on that single raid that day. The evidence was so compelling that Professor al-Arian is no longer giving his speeches. He is now in federal prison awaiting trial. His accomplice, Hammoudeh, has also been indicted. Some 32 different people have been indicted in the United States as a direct result of these efforts.
But not the Saudis -- not the Saudis.
A month after I filed my lawsuit against al-Arian, I did it: I caused some trouble. I invited some 40 of the top trial lawyers in America to come down to St. Petersburg, Florida. Boy, did I have a deal for them. I wanted them to put up millions of dollars of their own money -- I'm poor, I had no money to give them -- but I wanted to do something for America.
These are lawyers like Ron Motley that had won billions of dollars in their lawsuits against the tobacco industry and the asbestos industry. I said, "What I want you to do is look at the evidence I've collected. It's the same Saudi banks and charities that funded Sami al-Arian that also funded al Qaeda." I said, "I want you to bring a class action in Federal Court in Washington on behalf of everyone who died on Sept. 11th. I'm going to work for free and collect all the evidence, introduce you to the experts, provide all the exhibits and documents . . . and we have to do this for America."
The lawyers studied all the documents I collected, and on August 15, 2002, they filed the largest class-action lawsuit in American history in the Federal District Court in Washington D.C., asking for one trillion dollars damages against the Saudis. The lawsuit said essentially that all these Saudi banks had one thing in common. They were bribing Osama bin Ladin 300 million dollars a year to stay out of Saudi Arabia and go blow up someone else.
Well, on 9/11, we found out we were someone else, and the Saudis had to pay for their negligence. So that lawsuit is coming along very well.
And more and more people in the CIA and FBI are sort of using me as a back channel to get our information. So, believe it or not, they've actually given me my own TV show now on Sunday mornings on FOX TV nationwide. I'm on at 11:20 eastern standard time. And ABC Radio has given me a national radio program, but I'm on at 10:30 at night and it's past your bedtime.
What I've become in my old age is a teacher. Twenty-five years ago I was a lot younger, a lot thinner, but now every day I get 500 to 1,000 e-mails from honest men and women around the world from the intelligence community.
And we have to end the evil in this world. We have to recognize that al Qaeda simply didn't spring up on its own. The evil route was Nazism. The al Qaeda Doctrine is the same as the Arab Nazis held. They hated Jews, they hate democracy, and they hate Westerners for Western culture. Al Qaeda is nothing more than the religious expression of Arab Fascism. We allowed this branch of the Nazi trunk to survive, to flourish, and it has come back to haunt us.
We must do a better job. Look at these children. They are our legacy. If we are to keep our children safe, we must teach them the lessons of the past. Every generation should know what these candles mean. Not only that one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the world really happened, but the evil that caused it -- Nazism -- survived because we didn't fight hard enough. We didn't finish the job.
But we must tell our children that in every generation the men and women of America have stood side by side with our Jewish, Christian, and Moslem brothers. We have risen up together against hatred. America is united now.
We will win the war on terror, and we will finish the job that these soldiers and survivors started more than a half-century ago. We must set the standard that to teach a child to hate is the worst form of child abuse. We must work together to end racism in our children's lifetime. We must teach our children to remember the Holocaust and be proud, so proud of those who survived and inspired us with their courage. In their name, in their honor, let us go forward and fight together.
Taliban official warns of Ramadan attack on US
By Ryan Mauro
8 October 2006: An article published in the Pakastani based "The News" states that the head of the Islamabad-based Al-Quds Media Centre has received an audio message from a senior Taliban leader in which he asked Muslims living in the US to leave the country as soon as possible “because God’s punishment would fall on America in the month of Ramazan.”
Jamal Ismail, a senior journalist who once worked for Al-Jazeera television channel and is now head of the Al-Quds Media Centre, told The News that he received a phone call Thursday from Taliban leader Mulla Masoom Afghani. “Afghani said he was speaking from somewhere in Kandahar province. He read out the message in Arabic, which I recorded. In it he advised Muslim residents of America to get out to escape harm because the US could face big attacks in the month of Ramazan,” said Jamal Ismail.
8 October 2006: An article published in the Pakastani based "The News" states that the head of the Islamabad-based Al-Quds Media Centre has received an audio message from a senior Taliban leader in which he asked Muslims living in the US to leave the country as soon as possible “because God’s punishment would fall on America in the month of Ramazan.”
Jamal Ismail, a senior journalist who once worked for Al-Jazeera television channel and is now head of the Al-Quds Media Centre, told The News that he received a phone call Thursday from Taliban leader Mulla Masoom Afghani. “Afghani said he was speaking from somewhere in Kandahar province. He read out the message in Arabic, which I recorded. In it he advised Muslim residents of America to get out to escape harm because the US could face big attacks in the month of Ramazan,” said Jamal Ismail.
Food For Thought From Minds Greater Than Mine
"To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last--but eat you he will." - Ronald Reagan
"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done." - Ronald Reagan
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." -John Stewart Mill
"War is cruelty. There's no use trying to reform it, the crueler it is the sooner it will be over." - William Tecumseh Sherman
"Army: A body of men assembled to rectify the mistakes of the diplomats." - Josephus Daniels
"Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in the world, but the Marines don't have that problem." -Ronald Reagan
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George Patton
"We make war that we may live in peace." - Aristotle
"In war there is no substitute for victory." - General Douglas MacArthur
"Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For defeat brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war." - Ernest Miller Hemmingway
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell
"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't." - General George S. Patton
"A man must know his destiny… if he does not recognize it, then he is lost. By this I mean, once, twice, or at the very most, three times, fate will reach out and tap a man on the shoulder… if he has the imagination, he will turn around and fate will point out to him what fork in the road he should take, if he has the guts, he will take it." - General George S. Patton
"Nobody ever defended anything successfully, there is only attack and attack and attack some more." - General George S. Patton
"It seems to me a certainty that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammed and the utter degradation of the Arab women are the outstanding causes for the arrested development of the Arab. He is exactly as he was around the year 700, while we have been developing." - General George S. Patton
"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." - General George S. Patton
"Pressure makes diamonds." - General George S. Patton
"A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week." - General George S. Patton
"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done." - Ronald Reagan
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." -John Stewart Mill
"War is cruelty. There's no use trying to reform it, the crueler it is the sooner it will be over." - William Tecumseh Sherman
"Army: A body of men assembled to rectify the mistakes of the diplomats." - Josephus Daniels
"Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in the world, but the Marines don't have that problem." -Ronald Reagan
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George Patton
"We make war that we may live in peace." - Aristotle
"In war there is no substitute for victory." - General Douglas MacArthur
"Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For defeat brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war." - Ernest Miller Hemmingway
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell
"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't." - General George S. Patton
"A man must know his destiny… if he does not recognize it, then he is lost. By this I mean, once, twice, or at the very most, three times, fate will reach out and tap a man on the shoulder… if he has the imagination, he will turn around and fate will point out to him what fork in the road he should take, if he has the guts, he will take it." - General George S. Patton
"Nobody ever defended anything successfully, there is only attack and attack and attack some more." - General George S. Patton
"It seems to me a certainty that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammed and the utter degradation of the Arab women are the outstanding causes for the arrested development of the Arab. He is exactly as he was around the year 700, while we have been developing." - General George S. Patton
"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." - General George S. Patton
"Pressure makes diamonds." - General George S. Patton
"A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week." - General George S. Patton
William Wallace
“On that September day, we were unprepared. We did not grasp the magnitude of a threat that had been gathering over a considerable period of time…this was a failure of policy, management, capability, and above all failure of imagination.”1
These were the words - and emphasis - of Chair Thomas Kean, upon announcing the findings of the 9/11 Commission. In a CNN News recounting of the event, commission members were concerned that, “Americans were simply not able to think in an imaginary fashion, think out of the box, and think in a deviant way.”2 Since that September day, our nation has made strides in correcting some systemic problems. Consolidating divergent elements within the intelligence community to enhance coordination and sharing of information, known as “all-source fusion,” and allowing for alternate analysis to be considered by policymakers, are among some of the promising signs of meaningful reform. However, any such reform it is likely to prove futile unless the major problem is fixed: “failure of imagination.” This is the hardest to fix; it’s a matter of mind, of thought. It involves thinking like the enemy in deviant ways. Our own cultural predispositions, worldview, preconceptions, assumptions, perspectives and group-think constrict our imagination, causing us to be blind to the ways of the enemy. Whittaker Chambers once wrote, that, “Invincible ignorance, rooted in what was most generous in the American character, which because it was incapable of such conspiracy itself, could not believe that others practiced it.”3 If indeed we are warring against a conspiring “axis of evil,” it is imperative that we understand the true composition of that axis. We must “grasp the magnitude of a threat” represented by such an axis with its multi-dimensional, sophisticated, camouflaged layers which aid and abet al-Qaeda. Otherwise, we will fail to thwart another attack and deplete our strength further shadow boxing a lesser enemy. Never forget what happened on that September day or its cardinal lesson: Know Thy Enemy…and the one behind him.
Four months after that September day, President Bush delivered a proclamation of war of sorts on terror in a state of the union address, saying, “A terrorist underworld… operates in remote jungles and deserts, and hides in the centers of large cities.” He declared and named “some” of the state sponsors of terrorism (North Korea, Iran and Iraq) as an “axis of evil,” vowing that, “We will work closely with our coalition to deny terrorists and their state sponsors the materials, technology, and expertise to make and deliver weapons of mass destruction.” 4
Cutting off the tail of a snake does not kill him; a new rattle only grows back. The head must be severed to guard against a venomous, lethal attack. Al-Qaeda’s rattle may serve to divert our attention, blinding us to its camouflaged entirety. If intelligence fails to connect the dots from tail to head, we may suffer a purported pending attack soon which could topple America into ruin, as did those towers on that September day: “American Hiroshima.”
“American Hiroshima,” is al-Qaeda’s nuclear plan to topple America. According to a former FBI consultant on terrorism and organized crime, Dr. Paul L. Williams, this plan of attack is currently operational and can be executed immediately, even as these words are read. He persuasively documents in his September 2005 book, The Al Qaeda Connection: International Terrorism, Organized Crime, and the Coming Apocalypse, that al-Qaeda – through a network of organized criminal elements, et al. – has the capability and intent to kill “four million Americans,”5 by simultaneously detonating tactical (“suitcase”) nuclear weapons in several American cities, among them, “Boston, New York, Washington, DC, Las Vegas, Miami, Chicago, and Los Angeles.”6
Williams says the plan has been financed by the production, processing and distribution of Number Four heroin. A former Soviet Union organized crime entity, the Albanian Mafia, has “become the world’s leading producer” of this highest quality heroin, which is “the drug of choice in Europe and the United States.”7 To refine and process this highest grade heroin, “bin Laden established sophisticated laboratories…and recruited chemists from Pakistan, China, and the former Soviet Union.”8 He states this criminal group of Albanians “have replaced La Cosa Nostra (LCN) 9 as the ’leading crime outfit in the United States.’”10 Moreover, he corrects the misconception of most that, the American Italian Mafia is still in the lead of activities, such as, “prostitution, gun running, labor racketeering, and drug trafficking… but this is no longer the case. The Albanian Mafia, owing to their incredible propensity for bloodletting, gained supremacy over the long-entrenched LCN families in every major city along the eastern seaboard.”11 Interrelated ties with Hezbollah and the cocaine and gun enterprises of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) 12 have all funneled into and have substantially assisted al-Qaeda’s funding for “American Hiroshima.”
With this drug money and other illicit financing, al-Qaeda has bought tactical nuclear weapons and materials from the former Soviet Union (the result of a cause and effect attributed to and stemming from the USSR’s collapse) through various organized criminal syndicates of the Russian Mafia.13
In quoting the 1997 testimony of Yossef Bodansky, then Chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, before a congressional committee, Williams cites Bodansky’s words: “There is no longer much doubt that bin Laden has succeeded in his quest for nuclear bombs. The Russians believe he has a handful, the [Saudis say]…in the neighborhood of twenty.”14 But, that was in 1997; Williams’s book concludes that the number is at least in the twenties and beyond now. Bodansky went on to say that bin Laden “has a collection of individuals knowledgeable in activating the bombs and he is looking for recruiting former Soviet Union Special Forces [SPETSNAZ] in learning how to operate the bombs behind enemy lines.”15 To ensure proper maintenance of these weapons, bin Laden has hired “nuclear scientists from Russia, China and Pakistan” and he has “kept a score of SPETSNAZ… technicians from the former Soviet Union on his payroll.” Before revealing another disturbing facet of his research, Williams reminds his readers that, sometime after the collapse of the USSR, at hearings held in Belgium, “Belgian officials testified that they had found three secret depots replete with radio sets and tactical nukes that had been buried in Belgium by the Soviets during the 1960s.”16 He uses this preface to explain that there still exist today an unknown number of such hidden nuclear weapons in the U.S. and explains that “these weapons were placed under the care of SPETSNAZ technicians for deployment and detonation. Many of these scientists and technicians, during the 1990s, were sought out and employed by bin Laden.”17 The unstated implication here is that al-Qaeda may have a ready-made reserve of nuclear weapons in the U.S. in addition to the ones they have smuggled in with the assistance of the “MS-13” Gang.
Williams attributes the central role of smuggling al-Qaeda’s nuclear devices and sleeper-cell agents into the U.S. through Mexico to the MS-13 Gang (“Mara Salvatrucha”). But, the conventional notion of “gang” does not apply. It is unique. It retains ties to its foreign origins in El Salvador and was created, in part, by covert Cuban action. Its Cuban ties, originated from a left-wing paramilitary group named, “Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front” (FMNL). 18 The Federation of American Scientists notes of FMNL the following:
[It was] Formed with Cuban backing, the guerrilla umbrella organization is composed of five leftist groups: Central American Workers' Revolutionary Party (PRTC), People's Revolutionary Army (ERP), Farabundo Marti Popular Liberation Forces (FPL), Armed Forces of National Resistance (FARN), and the Communist Party of El Salvador's Armed Forces of Liberation (FAL).19
Dr. Joseph D. Douglass, Jr., a former national security analyst and author of Red Cocaine: the Drugging of America and the West, 20 published just as the USSR was collapsing, wrote about states hiding their finger prints – plausible deniability – in strategic covert actions through the use of terrorist organizations and organized crime. (By the way, the notion of state strategic policy employing plausible deniability is not entirely new. The Kennedy administration sought to assassinate Fidel Castro in “Operation Mongoose” via the American Italian Mafia.)
On March 8, 2002, Douglass wrote a 12-page article which, in essence, updated essential components of his work in Red Cocaine… and made a profound, persuasive case that almost all that he wrote in 1990 was still absolutely pertinent today: “Drugs, Russia and Terrorism.”21
Although beyond the purview of this writing – as the aspects of Douglass’s work are too extensive to cover here – his article addressed some the following: today’s involvement of Russia (and China) in the strategic use and control of organized criminal elements through its intelligence services; a long-term strategic plan that would include an apparent dissolution of the Warsaw Pact while intelligence services of the USSR & Bloc nations would infiltrate and wrest control over the world’s organized criminal syndicates; an historical presentation of the influence exerted over Islamic terrorist groups going back to the formation of the PLO; the astronomical, illicit monetary gains derived from controlling criminal profits; the ill-timed U.S. intelligence cutbacks contributing to post-Soviet covert actions going undetected; the direct ties between Russia and al-Qaeda; and, the assertion that al-Qaeda’s possession of nuclear weapons is anything but a natural cause and effect of the USSR’s collapse. He also recounts an intelligence committee question – pregnant with implications – posed by Senator Evan Bayh to then DCI George Tenent: “Are Russia and China involved in enabling evil?” The DCI gave an evasive – “near incoherent” – answer. Douglass “translated” a truer DCI answer, minus the evasion:
Yes, Senator, we believe there is involvement, but we don’t understand the role of those who are involved, whether they are independent “entities” or government representatives. Obviously, because we are trying to build a friendship with Russia and because we would not know what to do if they were involved, we would rather not discuss the subject at this time.22
Should al-Qaeda’s next attack be an “American Hiroshima,” no nation-state would dare have their fingerprints on it, exposing their complicity; they all have return addresses. Those unnamed state-sponsors in President Bush’s declaration, know full well that once a nuclear weapon detonates on American soil, it will change the entire nature of our war on terror: nuclear retaliation. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that any “axis of evil” state-sponsor would go to ultimate lengths to conceal and camouflage their culpability.
From the matters thus presented, it appears clear that there is indeed a connection between terrorism and organized crime. Dr. Williams sees the Russian Mafia and its subsidiaries as a natural, cause and effect offshoot from a collapsed, former Soviet Union. Dr. Douglass sees something quite different with exceedingly troubling implications – catastrophic ones that eclipse an “American Hiroshima.”
Whatever the truth may be, one thing appears quite certain: the rattle of al-Qaeda is indeed connected to a camouflaged snake of organized crime providing plausible deniability to state-sponsors who wish to avail themselves to its cloak while in alliance with the “axis of evil.”
Systemic reforms have been established which may ward off or lessen the threat we face with nuclear terrorism. All-source fusion efforts already underway within the intelligence community may need only balance or shift their emphasis concerning organized crime’s central role in terrorism. We may succeed in thwarting an “American Hiroshima,” but only if all involved are allowed to freely think – without taboo – and to invent effective countermeasures.
If the intelligence community can not shed past ghost labeling of “sick think” and "paranoid" and encourage creative thought to freely flow, we will likely witness the collapse of America. To know our enemy and the one behind him – no matter who he is – is the only way we will prevent that day; a day much more terrible that the one that befell us on that September day.
“On that September day, we were unprepared. We did not grasp the magnitude of a threat that had been gathering over a considerable period of time…this was a failure of policy, management, capability, and above all failure of imagination.”1
These were the words - and emphasis - of Chair Thomas Kean, upon announcing the findings of the 9/11 Commission. In a CNN News recounting of the event, commission members were concerned that, “Americans were simply not able to think in an imaginary fashion, think out of the box, and think in a deviant way.”2 Since that September day, our nation has made strides in correcting some systemic problems. Consolidating divergent elements within the intelligence community to enhance coordination and sharing of information, known as “all-source fusion,” and allowing for alternate analysis to be considered by policymakers, are among some of the promising signs of meaningful reform. However, any such reform it is likely to prove futile unless the major problem is fixed: “failure of imagination.” This is the hardest to fix; it’s a matter of mind, of thought. It involves thinking like the enemy in deviant ways. Our own cultural predispositions, worldview, preconceptions, assumptions, perspectives and group-think constrict our imagination, causing us to be blind to the ways of the enemy. Whittaker Chambers once wrote, that, “Invincible ignorance, rooted in what was most generous in the American character, which because it was incapable of such conspiracy itself, could not believe that others practiced it.”3 If indeed we are warring against a conspiring “axis of evil,” it is imperative that we understand the true composition of that axis. We must “grasp the magnitude of a threat” represented by such an axis with its multi-dimensional, sophisticated, camouflaged layers which aid and abet al-Qaeda. Otherwise, we will fail to thwart another attack and deplete our strength further shadow boxing a lesser enemy. Never forget what happened on that September day or its cardinal lesson: Know Thy Enemy…and the one behind him.
Four months after that September day, President Bush delivered a proclamation of war of sorts on terror in a state of the union address, saying, “A terrorist underworld… operates in remote jungles and deserts, and hides in the centers of large cities.” He declared and named “some” of the state sponsors of terrorism (North Korea, Iran and Iraq) as an “axis of evil,” vowing that, “We will work closely with our coalition to deny terrorists and their state sponsors the materials, technology, and expertise to make and deliver weapons of mass destruction.” 4
Cutting off the tail of a snake does not kill him; a new rattle only grows back. The head must be severed to guard against a venomous, lethal attack. Al-Qaeda’s rattle may serve to divert our attention, blinding us to its camouflaged entirety. If intelligence fails to connect the dots from tail to head, we may suffer a purported pending attack soon which could topple America into ruin, as did those towers on that September day: “American Hiroshima.”
“American Hiroshima,” is al-Qaeda’s nuclear plan to topple America. According to a former FBI consultant on terrorism and organized crime, Dr. Paul L. Williams, this plan of attack is currently operational and can be executed immediately, even as these words are read. He persuasively documents in his September 2005 book, The Al Qaeda Connection: International Terrorism, Organized Crime, and the Coming Apocalypse, that al-Qaeda – through a network of organized criminal elements, et al. – has the capability and intent to kill “four million Americans,”5 by simultaneously detonating tactical (“suitcase”) nuclear weapons in several American cities, among them, “Boston, New York, Washington, DC, Las Vegas, Miami, Chicago, and Los Angeles.”6
Williams says the plan has been financed by the production, processing and distribution of Number Four heroin. A former Soviet Union organized crime entity, the Albanian Mafia, has “become the world’s leading producer” of this highest quality heroin, which is “the drug of choice in Europe and the United States.”7 To refine and process this highest grade heroin, “bin Laden established sophisticated laboratories…and recruited chemists from Pakistan, China, and the former Soviet Union.”8 He states this criminal group of Albanians “have replaced La Cosa Nostra (LCN) 9 as the ’leading crime outfit in the United States.’”10 Moreover, he corrects the misconception of most that, the American Italian Mafia is still in the lead of activities, such as, “prostitution, gun running, labor racketeering, and drug trafficking… but this is no longer the case. The Albanian Mafia, owing to their incredible propensity for bloodletting, gained supremacy over the long-entrenched LCN families in every major city along the eastern seaboard.”11 Interrelated ties with Hezbollah and the cocaine and gun enterprises of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) 12 have all funneled into and have substantially assisted al-Qaeda’s funding for “American Hiroshima.”
With this drug money and other illicit financing, al-Qaeda has bought tactical nuclear weapons and materials from the former Soviet Union (the result of a cause and effect attributed to and stemming from the USSR’s collapse) through various organized criminal syndicates of the Russian Mafia.13
In quoting the 1997 testimony of Yossef Bodansky, then Chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, before a congressional committee, Williams cites Bodansky’s words: “There is no longer much doubt that bin Laden has succeeded in his quest for nuclear bombs. The Russians believe he has a handful, the [Saudis say]…in the neighborhood of twenty.”14 But, that was in 1997; Williams’s book concludes that the number is at least in the twenties and beyond now. Bodansky went on to say that bin Laden “has a collection of individuals knowledgeable in activating the bombs and he is looking for recruiting former Soviet Union Special Forces [SPETSNAZ] in learning how to operate the bombs behind enemy lines.”15 To ensure proper maintenance of these weapons, bin Laden has hired “nuclear scientists from Russia, China and Pakistan” and he has “kept a score of SPETSNAZ… technicians from the former Soviet Union on his payroll.” Before revealing another disturbing facet of his research, Williams reminds his readers that, sometime after the collapse of the USSR, at hearings held in Belgium, “Belgian officials testified that they had found three secret depots replete with radio sets and tactical nukes that had been buried in Belgium by the Soviets during the 1960s.”16 He uses this preface to explain that there still exist today an unknown number of such hidden nuclear weapons in the U.S. and explains that “these weapons were placed under the care of SPETSNAZ technicians for deployment and detonation. Many of these scientists and technicians, during the 1990s, were sought out and employed by bin Laden.”17 The unstated implication here is that al-Qaeda may have a ready-made reserve of nuclear weapons in the U.S. in addition to the ones they have smuggled in with the assistance of the “MS-13” Gang.
Williams attributes the central role of smuggling al-Qaeda’s nuclear devices and sleeper-cell agents into the U.S. through Mexico to the MS-13 Gang (“Mara Salvatrucha”). But, the conventional notion of “gang” does not apply. It is unique. It retains ties to its foreign origins in El Salvador and was created, in part, by covert Cuban action. Its Cuban ties, originated from a left-wing paramilitary group named, “Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front” (FMNL). 18 The Federation of American Scientists notes of FMNL the following:
[It was] Formed with Cuban backing, the guerrilla umbrella organization is composed of five leftist groups: Central American Workers' Revolutionary Party (PRTC), People's Revolutionary Army (ERP), Farabundo Marti Popular Liberation Forces (FPL), Armed Forces of National Resistance (FARN), and the Communist Party of El Salvador's Armed Forces of Liberation (FAL).19
Dr. Joseph D. Douglass, Jr., a former national security analyst and author of Red Cocaine: the Drugging of America and the West, 20 published just as the USSR was collapsing, wrote about states hiding their finger prints – plausible deniability – in strategic covert actions through the use of terrorist organizations and organized crime. (By the way, the notion of state strategic policy employing plausible deniability is not entirely new. The Kennedy administration sought to assassinate Fidel Castro in “Operation Mongoose” via the American Italian Mafia.)
On March 8, 2002, Douglass wrote a 12-page article which, in essence, updated essential components of his work in Red Cocaine… and made a profound, persuasive case that almost all that he wrote in 1990 was still absolutely pertinent today: “Drugs, Russia and Terrorism.”21
Although beyond the purview of this writing – as the aspects of Douglass’s work are too extensive to cover here – his article addressed some the following: today’s involvement of Russia (and China) in the strategic use and control of organized criminal elements through its intelligence services; a long-term strategic plan that would include an apparent dissolution of the Warsaw Pact while intelligence services of the USSR & Bloc nations would infiltrate and wrest control over the world’s organized criminal syndicates; an historical presentation of the influence exerted over Islamic terrorist groups going back to the formation of the PLO; the astronomical, illicit monetary gains derived from controlling criminal profits; the ill-timed U.S. intelligence cutbacks contributing to post-Soviet covert actions going undetected; the direct ties between Russia and al-Qaeda; and, the assertion that al-Qaeda’s possession of nuclear weapons is anything but a natural cause and effect of the USSR’s collapse. He also recounts an intelligence committee question – pregnant with implications – posed by Senator Evan Bayh to then DCI George Tenent: “Are Russia and China involved in enabling evil?” The DCI gave an evasive – “near incoherent” – answer. Douglass “translated” a truer DCI answer, minus the evasion:
Yes, Senator, we believe there is involvement, but we don’t understand the role of those who are involved, whether they are independent “entities” or government representatives. Obviously, because we are trying to build a friendship with Russia and because we would not know what to do if they were involved, we would rather not discuss the subject at this time.22
Should al-Qaeda’s next attack be an “American Hiroshima,” no nation-state would dare have their fingerprints on it, exposing their complicity; they all have return addresses. Those unnamed state-sponsors in President Bush’s declaration, know full well that once a nuclear weapon detonates on American soil, it will change the entire nature of our war on terror: nuclear retaliation. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that any “axis of evil” state-sponsor would go to ultimate lengths to conceal and camouflage their culpability.
From the matters thus presented, it appears clear that there is indeed a connection between terrorism and organized crime. Dr. Williams sees the Russian Mafia and its subsidiaries as a natural, cause and effect offshoot from a collapsed, former Soviet Union. Dr. Douglass sees something quite different with exceedingly troubling implications – catastrophic ones that eclipse an “American Hiroshima.”
Whatever the truth may be, one thing appears quite certain: the rattle of al-Qaeda is indeed connected to a camouflaged snake of organized crime providing plausible deniability to state-sponsors who wish to avail themselves to its cloak while in alliance with the “axis of evil.”
Systemic reforms have been established which may ward off or lessen the threat we face with nuclear terrorism. All-source fusion efforts already underway within the intelligence community may need only balance or shift their emphasis concerning organized crime’s central role in terrorism. We may succeed in thwarting an “American Hiroshima,” but only if all involved are allowed to freely think – without taboo – and to invent effective countermeasures.
If the intelligence community can not shed past ghost labeling of “sick think” and "paranoid" and encourage creative thought to freely flow, we will likely witness the collapse of America. To know our enemy and the one behind him – no matter who he is – is the only way we will prevent that day; a day much more terrible that the one that befell us on that September day.
Behind the Terror....
[Widespread terrorist and sabotage operations in advance of World War III] are known officially in the GRU as the "preparatory period," and unofficially as the "overture." The overture is a series of large and small operations the purpose of which is, before actual military operations begin, to weaken the enemy's morale, create an atmosphere of suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert the attention of the enemy's armies and police forces to a huge number of different targets, each of which may be the object of the next attack.
The overture is carried out by agents of the secret services of the Soviet satellite countries and by mercenaries recruited by intermediaries. The principal method employed at this stage is "gray terror," that is, a kind of terror which is not conducted in the name of the Soviet Union. The Soviet secret services do not at this stage leave their visiting cards, or leave other people's cards. The terror is carried out in the name of already existing extremist groups not connected in any way with the Soviet Union, or in the name of fictitious organizations.
The overture is carried out by agents of the secret services of the Soviet satellite countries and by mercenaries recruited by intermediaries. The principal method employed at this stage is "gray terror," that is, a kind of terror which is not conducted in the name of the Soviet Union. The Soviet secret services do not at this stage leave their visiting cards, or leave other people's cards. The terror is carried out in the name of already existing extremist groups not connected in any way with the Soviet Union, or in the name of fictitious organizations.
Plotting Global Conquest
By J.R. Nyquist
What sort of madman or numbskull wants to take over the world? Considering what a mess the world is, how much rebellion is in it, how much folly, how much quarrelling and murder, how many races and religions and tribes – why would anyone want to take it over? Besides, there is no means of keeping it except to warmly embrace the world’s troubles and make them your own. Consequently, a sane man wouldn’t want the world. A wise man wouldn’t have it on a golden platter.
But men are fools, and sometimes they are insane. They often want to conquer, to dominate. Is this impulse so alien to the human condition that we can strike it from a list of our concerns? There is a type of person who climbs and pushes, whose self-importance must be affirmed, who always seeks status and power with ruthless abandon. There are governments that do the same thing, on an international level.
Maurice Shainberg’s autobiography describes the training he received as a young KGB officer in Moscow almost fifty years ago. According to Shainberg, “Our professors demonstrated the vast infiltration of communist agents all over the globe. The communist plan, based on Lenin’s teachings, was to take over the world without physical struggle. Our instructors drummed this into our heads.”
This reminds us of Sun Tzu’s words: “All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe that we are away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.”
Upon closer examination, the notion of taking over the world “without physical struggle” is something of a fig leaf with which to cover the naked facts of global conquest. It is elegant, indeed, to seem inactive and distant, to hold out baits to entice an enemy and feign disorder. But the final step is to “crush” the enemy. If there is no final, crushing blow, then the deception has been for nothing.
Of course, it is a stroke of genius to argue that your intentions are peaceful, that your method is “non-violent,” that you intend to bring prosperity and happiness to mankind. Every totalitarian regime broadcasts its commitment to sweet nothings. Beneath the rhetorical candy, of course, the Soviet leaders accumulated huge stockpiles of nuclear and biological weapons. They didn’t do this because they expected to defeat the United States by peaceful means. The SS-27 road mobile ICBM is eloquent testimony to the fact that Moscow believes in brute force, that Lenin’s teaching was not a pacifist doctrine. In fact, Lenin was a disciple of Carl von Clausewitz. And here is what Clausewitz wrote about winning without fighting:
Now, philanthropists may easily imagine there is a skillful method of disarming and overcoming an enemy without causing great bloodshed, and that this is the proper tendency of the Art of War. However plausible this may appear, still it is an error which must be extirpated; for in such dangerous things as War, the errors which proceed from a spirit of benevolence are the worst.
A proper enemy is dangerous. He can kill you. Therefore, you must be prepared to kill him. According to Clausewitz, “It follows that he who uses force unsparingly, without reference to the bloodshed involved, must obtain superiority if his adversary uses less vigor in its application.” This is known as Clausewitz’s "theory of the utmost use of force." It helps explain the thinking behind Soviet Military Strategy, a staple text used to educate Soviet military officers in the 1960s and 70s. On page 312 of the RAND translation of this book it says:
From the point of view of weapons, a third world war will be a missile and nuclear war. The massive use of nuclear weapons … will make the war unprecedentedly destructive and devastating. Entire states will be wiped off the face of the earth. Missiles carrying warheads will be the main instruments for attaining the war’s aims and for accomplishing the most important strategic and operational missions. Consequently, the leading branch of the armed forces will be the Strategic Missile Forces, and the role and mission of the other branches of the armed forces will be essentially changed. However, final victory will be attained only as a result of the combined efforts of all the branches of the armed forces.
This description of a future world war may sound like madness, but everything here is consistent with Clausewitz’s theory. The Soviet Union spent decades preparing for World War III. This war has already been justified, in advance, by describing the United States as an aggressor nation comparable to Nazi Germany. Even NATO is an alleged haven for scheming warmongers. According to Soviet Col. I. Sidel'nikov, “In the governing bodies of NATO there is a considerable number of people for whom the relaxation of tension is tantamount to a knife through the heart. The sinister stench of the ‘cold war’ suits them much better than the beneficial aroma of peaceful cooperation and good neighborliness among peoples.”
But consider what “peaceful cooperation” actually signifies. According to Shainberg, the KGB professors "constantly lectured us on the need to outflank the United States without a military struggle. Instead we would use superior strategy." He further explained that "the major thrust was always how to take over the United States." Shainberg stated: “Instead of tanks, we were taught to use intrigue. Instead of artillery, we were taught to use propaganda. Instead of bombs, we were taught to use intelligence.”
Thus in a pageant show a plot is made
And peace itself is war in masquerade. [Dryden]
Confirming the deceptive use of peace as a running theme in Soviet strategy, Czech defector Jan Sejna wrote as follows: “Soviet ambitions towards the United States were aimed at the extinction of Capitalism and the ‘socialization’ of America, which they believed would be the last surviving dinosaur of the Capitalist system. The main strategic goals on the road to their fulfillment were: the withdrawal of the U.S.A. from Europe and Asia; the removal of Latin America from the United States’ sphere of influence and its incorporation into the Socialist bloc; the destruction of the United States influence in the developing world; the reduction of American military power to a state of strategic inferiority; the advent to power in Washington of a transitional liberal and progressive government; and the collapse of the American economy.”
According to Sejna, the Soviet long-range plan involved destabilizing the United States through economic sabotage, terrorism and the constriction of raw materials. Quite naturally, some communists feared this plan might backfire. After all, if you destabilized the United States you might be opening the door to a right wing military takeover. The CPSU Central Committee Secretary Konstantin Katushev was dispatched to Prague in September 1967 to debrief the Czech leadership on this and other issues. Katushev admitted that America could “move to either [political] extreme” in a crisis. Despite this risk, he argued, “If we can impose on the U.S.A. the external restraints proposed in our Plan, and seriously disrupt the American economy, the working and the lower middle classes will suffer the consequences and they will turn on the society that has failed them. They will be ready for revolution.”
Part of the plan also involved separating Europe from America. According to Sejna, “Europe was the principle area in which to reduce U.S. influence in the free world. The Russians planned to play upon the nationalist, bourgeois prejudices of the leading European countries in order to convince them that Europe must strive to become a distinct entity separate from the United States. This mood must reach beyond any debate on the political union of Europe as envisaged in the Treaty of Rome.”
A plan to take over the world by destabilizing the United States and separating it from Europe may seem quite insane, but Sejna's testimony is supported by other sources. This brings us to KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn, who wrote in 1984 that the Soviet long-range plan involved the false liberalization of the communist bloc. “If in a reasonable time ‘liberalization’ can be successfully achieved in Poland and elsewhere,” wrote Golitsyn, “it will serve to revitalize the communist regimes concerned. The activities of the false opposition will further confuse and undermine the genuine opposition in the communist world. Externally, the role of dissidents will be to persuade the West that the ‘liberalization’ is spontaneous and not controlled. ‘Liberalization’ will create conditions for establishing solidarity between trade unions and intellectuals in the communist and noncommunist worlds. In time such alliances will generate new forms of pressure against Western ‘militarism,’ ‘racism,’ and ‘military-industrial complexes’ and in favor of disarmament….” Golitsyn further stated:
If ‘liberalization’ is successful and accepted by the West as genuine, it may well be followed by the apparent withdrawal of one or more communist countries from the Warsaw Pact to serve as a model of a ‘neutral’ socialist state for the whole of Europe to follow. Some ‘dissidents’ are already speaking in these terms. [P. 336]
Golitsyn noted that Russia had many options for manipulating events in the Middle East, especially with regard to Iraq and Iran. “The overall aim,” Golitsyn wrote, “will be to bring about a major and irreversible shift in the balance of world power in favor of the [socialist] bloc….” [P. 337]
The suggested European option would be promoted by a revival of controlled ‘democratization’ on the Czechoslovak pattern in Eastern Europe, including probably Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. The intensification of hard-line policies and methods in the Soviet Union … presages a switch to ‘democratization’ following, perhaps, Brezhnev’s departure from the political scene. Brezhnev’s successor may well appear to be a kind of Soviet Dubcek. The succession will be important only in a presentational sense. The reality of collective leadership and the leaders’ common commitment to the long-range policy will continue unaffected. [P. 338]
Golitsyn successfully predicted that the Communist Party’s role in the Soviet economy would be “apparently diminished.” Sweeping reforms would be instituted. But, he warned, “The party would … continue to control the economy from behind the scenes as before."
The ‘liberalization’ would be spectacular and impressive. Formal pronouncements might be made about a reduction in the communist party’s role; its monopoly would be apparently curtailed. An ostensible separation of powers between the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary might be introduced. The Supreme Soviet would be given greater apparent independence. The posts of president of the Soviet Union and first secretary of the party might well be separated. The KGB would be ‘reformed.’ Dissidents at home would be amnestied; those in exile abroad would be allowed to return, and some would take up positions of leadership in government. [P. 339]
This spectacular “liberalization,” however, “would be calculated and deceptive,” Golitsyn warned, “in that it would be introduced from above. It would be carried out by the party through its cells and individual members in government, the Supreme Soviet, the courts, and the electoral machinery and by the KGB through its agents among the intellectuals and scientists.” The Russian strategists would be in control of the process from beginning to end. According to Golitsyn, “The hitherto concealed coordination between [Moscow and Beijing] will become visible and predominant. The Soviets and the Chinese will be officially reconciled. Thus the scissors strategy will develop logically into the ‘strategy of one clenched fist.'"
What does this signify?
According to Soviet Military Strategy, p. 313: “The basic method of waging the war will be by massive missile blows to destroy the aggressor’s instruments for nuclear attack and, simultaneously, to destroy and devastate on a large scale the vitally important enemy targets making up his military, political and economic might, to crush his will to resist, and to attain victory within the shortest possible time.” The Soviet text also explains that “the methods of breaking up the opponents aggressive plans by dealing him a crushing blow will be of decisive significance for the outcome of the entire war. Hence, the main task of Soviet military strategy is working out means for reliably repelling a surprise nuclear attack by an aggressor.”
How do you "reliably" repel a surprise nuclear attack?
GRU defector Viktor Suvorov described a method known as “gray terror.” In a book titled Spetsnaz, he wrote:
[Widespread terrorist and sabotage operations in advance of World War III] are known officially in the GRU as the ‘preparatory period,’ and unofficially as the ‘overture.’ The overture is a series of large and small operations the purpose of which is, before actual military operations begin, to weaken the enemy's morale, create an atmosphere of suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert the attention of the enemy's armies and police forces to a huge number of different targets, each of which may be the object of the next attack.
The overture is carried out by agents of the secret services of the Soviet satellite countries and by mercenaries recruited by intermediaries. The principal method employed at this stage is "gray terror," that is, a kind of terror which is not conducted in the name of the Soviet Union. The Soviet secret services do not at this stage leave their visiting cards, or leave other people's cards. The terror is carried out in the name of already existing extremist groups not connected in any way with the Soviet Union, or in the name of fictitious organizations.
A few years ago Christopher Story of Soviet Analyst asked Suvorov if he thought the collapse of communism was part of a Soviet deception (as described by Golitsyn). Suvorov admitted this was obvious, though Western intelligence and military professionals didn't have a clue. Attempting to explain this, Suvorov said that Western officials were “stupid.”
The Soviet “plan” for conquering the world, described by Shainberg, Sejna, Golitsyn and Suvorov, is not fictitious. There are many sources that confirm its existence, despite denials from Western officials like Henry Kissinger or academics like Edward Luttwak. The fact that we have no information about the Soviet plan from Soviet archives is a telling indication that the plan remains in effect.
In closing I will relate a conversation I had with Col. Stanislav Lunev in November 1998, in Washington, D.C. We were discussing methods by which a country might successfully launch a surprise nuclear strike without fearing retaliation. In the middle of this discussion, Lunev warned that if Arab terrorists were blamed for a nuclear attack on America I should not believe it. He said that Russia would be responsible, though Arabs would be blamed. He also said that within weeks or months of a supposed Arab nuclear attack on America the missiles from Russia would be launched.
There are people in this world who relish the idea of America's downfall. They supposedly believe in a new form of civilization (i.e., socialism). For the sake of this unknown, untested ideal, they are willing to tell big lies. They are willing to annihilate entire countries. My challenge to the reader, in presenting the testimony of several defectors, is the suggestion that this testimony sheds light on recent events – in Europe, in the Middle East and Latin America. Consider the correspondence between what I have quoted and what is presently happening. Consider the military buildup of China, the advanced missile program announced by Russia, the communist putsch in Venezuela, the stealth communist government in Brazil, the communist takeover of Africa’s mineral wealth (in Angola, Congo and South Africa), the Russia-Saudi oil manipulations, the attack on the dollar, the terrorism of bin Laden, the emerging split between Europe and America and the Soviet-style rhetoric of the anti-war movement (which accuses the U.S. of imperialist aggression in Iraq). What we see is a pattern, fully consistent with an emerging "clenched fist."
What sort of madman or numbskull wants to take over the world? Considering what a mess the world is, how much rebellion is in it, how much folly, how much quarrelling and murder, how many races and religions and tribes – why would anyone want to take it over? Besides, there is no means of keeping it except to warmly embrace the world’s troubles and make them your own. Consequently, a sane man wouldn’t want the world. A wise man wouldn’t have it on a golden platter.
But men are fools, and sometimes they are insane. They often want to conquer, to dominate. Is this impulse so alien to the human condition that we can strike it from a list of our concerns? There is a type of person who climbs and pushes, whose self-importance must be affirmed, who always seeks status and power with ruthless abandon. There are governments that do the same thing, on an international level.
Maurice Shainberg’s autobiography describes the training he received as a young KGB officer in Moscow almost fifty years ago. According to Shainberg, “Our professors demonstrated the vast infiltration of communist agents all over the globe. The communist plan, based on Lenin’s teachings, was to take over the world without physical struggle. Our instructors drummed this into our heads.”
This reminds us of Sun Tzu’s words: “All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe that we are away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.”
Upon closer examination, the notion of taking over the world “without physical struggle” is something of a fig leaf with which to cover the naked facts of global conquest. It is elegant, indeed, to seem inactive and distant, to hold out baits to entice an enemy and feign disorder. But the final step is to “crush” the enemy. If there is no final, crushing blow, then the deception has been for nothing.
Of course, it is a stroke of genius to argue that your intentions are peaceful, that your method is “non-violent,” that you intend to bring prosperity and happiness to mankind. Every totalitarian regime broadcasts its commitment to sweet nothings. Beneath the rhetorical candy, of course, the Soviet leaders accumulated huge stockpiles of nuclear and biological weapons. They didn’t do this because they expected to defeat the United States by peaceful means. The SS-27 road mobile ICBM is eloquent testimony to the fact that Moscow believes in brute force, that Lenin’s teaching was not a pacifist doctrine. In fact, Lenin was a disciple of Carl von Clausewitz. And here is what Clausewitz wrote about winning without fighting:
Now, philanthropists may easily imagine there is a skillful method of disarming and overcoming an enemy without causing great bloodshed, and that this is the proper tendency of the Art of War. However plausible this may appear, still it is an error which must be extirpated; for in such dangerous things as War, the errors which proceed from a spirit of benevolence are the worst.
A proper enemy is dangerous. He can kill you. Therefore, you must be prepared to kill him. According to Clausewitz, “It follows that he who uses force unsparingly, without reference to the bloodshed involved, must obtain superiority if his adversary uses less vigor in its application.” This is known as Clausewitz’s "theory of the utmost use of force." It helps explain the thinking behind Soviet Military Strategy, a staple text used to educate Soviet military officers in the 1960s and 70s. On page 312 of the RAND translation of this book it says:
From the point of view of weapons, a third world war will be a missile and nuclear war. The massive use of nuclear weapons … will make the war unprecedentedly destructive and devastating. Entire states will be wiped off the face of the earth. Missiles carrying warheads will be the main instruments for attaining the war’s aims and for accomplishing the most important strategic and operational missions. Consequently, the leading branch of the armed forces will be the Strategic Missile Forces, and the role and mission of the other branches of the armed forces will be essentially changed. However, final victory will be attained only as a result of the combined efforts of all the branches of the armed forces.
This description of a future world war may sound like madness, but everything here is consistent with Clausewitz’s theory. The Soviet Union spent decades preparing for World War III. This war has already been justified, in advance, by describing the United States as an aggressor nation comparable to Nazi Germany. Even NATO is an alleged haven for scheming warmongers. According to Soviet Col. I. Sidel'nikov, “In the governing bodies of NATO there is a considerable number of people for whom the relaxation of tension is tantamount to a knife through the heart. The sinister stench of the ‘cold war’ suits them much better than the beneficial aroma of peaceful cooperation and good neighborliness among peoples.”
But consider what “peaceful cooperation” actually signifies. According to Shainberg, the KGB professors "constantly lectured us on the need to outflank the United States without a military struggle. Instead we would use superior strategy." He further explained that "the major thrust was always how to take over the United States." Shainberg stated: “Instead of tanks, we were taught to use intrigue. Instead of artillery, we were taught to use propaganda. Instead of bombs, we were taught to use intelligence.”
Thus in a pageant show a plot is made
And peace itself is war in masquerade. [Dryden]
Confirming the deceptive use of peace as a running theme in Soviet strategy, Czech defector Jan Sejna wrote as follows: “Soviet ambitions towards the United States were aimed at the extinction of Capitalism and the ‘socialization’ of America, which they believed would be the last surviving dinosaur of the Capitalist system. The main strategic goals on the road to their fulfillment were: the withdrawal of the U.S.A. from Europe and Asia; the removal of Latin America from the United States’ sphere of influence and its incorporation into the Socialist bloc; the destruction of the United States influence in the developing world; the reduction of American military power to a state of strategic inferiority; the advent to power in Washington of a transitional liberal and progressive government; and the collapse of the American economy.”
According to Sejna, the Soviet long-range plan involved destabilizing the United States through economic sabotage, terrorism and the constriction of raw materials. Quite naturally, some communists feared this plan might backfire. After all, if you destabilized the United States you might be opening the door to a right wing military takeover. The CPSU Central Committee Secretary Konstantin Katushev was dispatched to Prague in September 1967 to debrief the Czech leadership on this and other issues. Katushev admitted that America could “move to either [political] extreme” in a crisis. Despite this risk, he argued, “If we can impose on the U.S.A. the external restraints proposed in our Plan, and seriously disrupt the American economy, the working and the lower middle classes will suffer the consequences and they will turn on the society that has failed them. They will be ready for revolution.”
Part of the plan also involved separating Europe from America. According to Sejna, “Europe was the principle area in which to reduce U.S. influence in the free world. The Russians planned to play upon the nationalist, bourgeois prejudices of the leading European countries in order to convince them that Europe must strive to become a distinct entity separate from the United States. This mood must reach beyond any debate on the political union of Europe as envisaged in the Treaty of Rome.”
A plan to take over the world by destabilizing the United States and separating it from Europe may seem quite insane, but Sejna's testimony is supported by other sources. This brings us to KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn, who wrote in 1984 that the Soviet long-range plan involved the false liberalization of the communist bloc. “If in a reasonable time ‘liberalization’ can be successfully achieved in Poland and elsewhere,” wrote Golitsyn, “it will serve to revitalize the communist regimes concerned. The activities of the false opposition will further confuse and undermine the genuine opposition in the communist world. Externally, the role of dissidents will be to persuade the West that the ‘liberalization’ is spontaneous and not controlled. ‘Liberalization’ will create conditions for establishing solidarity between trade unions and intellectuals in the communist and noncommunist worlds. In time such alliances will generate new forms of pressure against Western ‘militarism,’ ‘racism,’ and ‘military-industrial complexes’ and in favor of disarmament….” Golitsyn further stated:
If ‘liberalization’ is successful and accepted by the West as genuine, it may well be followed by the apparent withdrawal of one or more communist countries from the Warsaw Pact to serve as a model of a ‘neutral’ socialist state for the whole of Europe to follow. Some ‘dissidents’ are already speaking in these terms. [P. 336]
Golitsyn noted that Russia had many options for manipulating events in the Middle East, especially with regard to Iraq and Iran. “The overall aim,” Golitsyn wrote, “will be to bring about a major and irreversible shift in the balance of world power in favor of the [socialist] bloc….” [P. 337]
The suggested European option would be promoted by a revival of controlled ‘democratization’ on the Czechoslovak pattern in Eastern Europe, including probably Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. The intensification of hard-line policies and methods in the Soviet Union … presages a switch to ‘democratization’ following, perhaps, Brezhnev’s departure from the political scene. Brezhnev’s successor may well appear to be a kind of Soviet Dubcek. The succession will be important only in a presentational sense. The reality of collective leadership and the leaders’ common commitment to the long-range policy will continue unaffected. [P. 338]
Golitsyn successfully predicted that the Communist Party’s role in the Soviet economy would be “apparently diminished.” Sweeping reforms would be instituted. But, he warned, “The party would … continue to control the economy from behind the scenes as before."
The ‘liberalization’ would be spectacular and impressive. Formal pronouncements might be made about a reduction in the communist party’s role; its monopoly would be apparently curtailed. An ostensible separation of powers between the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary might be introduced. The Supreme Soviet would be given greater apparent independence. The posts of president of the Soviet Union and first secretary of the party might well be separated. The KGB would be ‘reformed.’ Dissidents at home would be amnestied; those in exile abroad would be allowed to return, and some would take up positions of leadership in government. [P. 339]
This spectacular “liberalization,” however, “would be calculated and deceptive,” Golitsyn warned, “in that it would be introduced from above. It would be carried out by the party through its cells and individual members in government, the Supreme Soviet, the courts, and the electoral machinery and by the KGB through its agents among the intellectuals and scientists.” The Russian strategists would be in control of the process from beginning to end. According to Golitsyn, “The hitherto concealed coordination between [Moscow and Beijing] will become visible and predominant. The Soviets and the Chinese will be officially reconciled. Thus the scissors strategy will develop logically into the ‘strategy of one clenched fist.'"
What does this signify?
According to Soviet Military Strategy, p. 313: “The basic method of waging the war will be by massive missile blows to destroy the aggressor’s instruments for nuclear attack and, simultaneously, to destroy and devastate on a large scale the vitally important enemy targets making up his military, political and economic might, to crush his will to resist, and to attain victory within the shortest possible time.” The Soviet text also explains that “the methods of breaking up the opponents aggressive plans by dealing him a crushing blow will be of decisive significance for the outcome of the entire war. Hence, the main task of Soviet military strategy is working out means for reliably repelling a surprise nuclear attack by an aggressor.”
How do you "reliably" repel a surprise nuclear attack?
GRU defector Viktor Suvorov described a method known as “gray terror.” In a book titled Spetsnaz, he wrote:
[Widespread terrorist and sabotage operations in advance of World War III] are known officially in the GRU as the ‘preparatory period,’ and unofficially as the ‘overture.’ The overture is a series of large and small operations the purpose of which is, before actual military operations begin, to weaken the enemy's morale, create an atmosphere of suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert the attention of the enemy's armies and police forces to a huge number of different targets, each of which may be the object of the next attack.
The overture is carried out by agents of the secret services of the Soviet satellite countries and by mercenaries recruited by intermediaries. The principal method employed at this stage is "gray terror," that is, a kind of terror which is not conducted in the name of the Soviet Union. The Soviet secret services do not at this stage leave their visiting cards, or leave other people's cards. The terror is carried out in the name of already existing extremist groups not connected in any way with the Soviet Union, or in the name of fictitious organizations.
A few years ago Christopher Story of Soviet Analyst asked Suvorov if he thought the collapse of communism was part of a Soviet deception (as described by Golitsyn). Suvorov admitted this was obvious, though Western intelligence and military professionals didn't have a clue. Attempting to explain this, Suvorov said that Western officials were “stupid.”
The Soviet “plan” for conquering the world, described by Shainberg, Sejna, Golitsyn and Suvorov, is not fictitious. There are many sources that confirm its existence, despite denials from Western officials like Henry Kissinger or academics like Edward Luttwak. The fact that we have no information about the Soviet plan from Soviet archives is a telling indication that the plan remains in effect.
In closing I will relate a conversation I had with Col. Stanislav Lunev in November 1998, in Washington, D.C. We were discussing methods by which a country might successfully launch a surprise nuclear strike without fearing retaliation. In the middle of this discussion, Lunev warned that if Arab terrorists were blamed for a nuclear attack on America I should not believe it. He said that Russia would be responsible, though Arabs would be blamed. He also said that within weeks or months of a supposed Arab nuclear attack on America the missiles from Russia would be launched.
There are people in this world who relish the idea of America's downfall. They supposedly believe in a new form of civilization (i.e., socialism). For the sake of this unknown, untested ideal, they are willing to tell big lies. They are willing to annihilate entire countries. My challenge to the reader, in presenting the testimony of several defectors, is the suggestion that this testimony sheds light on recent events – in Europe, in the Middle East and Latin America. Consider the correspondence between what I have quoted and what is presently happening. Consider the military buildup of China, the advanced missile program announced by Russia, the communist putsch in Venezuela, the stealth communist government in Brazil, the communist takeover of Africa’s mineral wealth (in Angola, Congo and South Africa), the Russia-Saudi oil manipulations, the attack on the dollar, the terrorism of bin Laden, the emerging split between Europe and America and the Soviet-style rhetoric of the anti-war movement (which accuses the U.S. of imperialist aggression in Iraq). What we see is a pattern, fully consistent with an emerging "clenched fist."
The Western Media's Misreading of al-Qaeda's Latest Videotape
By Michael Scheuer
Al-Qaeda's 48-minute, September 2 video featured a short introduction by the group's deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and a lengthy presentation by Azzam al-Amriki (Azzam the American), who apparently is U.S. citizen Adam Gadahn. The video comes just before the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attack, and it is the only known al-Qaeda video that is exclusively devoted to an offer from the group to Americans to convert to Islam. So far, Western media analysis has focused on four themes, all of which seem to assign the video to the dust bin of irrelevancy.
The primary theme of Western media analysis has been that the al-Zawahiri-Azzam tape is an effort—some term it a "PR campaign"—to soften al-Qaeda's image, to focus more on proselytizing than on violence. Another theme is a sense of relief that the journalists and media experts have not been able to find a blatant "threat" in the video, a theme that has been reinforced by an argument offered by unnamed U.S. officials who point out that Azzam al-Amriki is not a senior al-Qaeda leader and so his words are not as important as those of Osama bin Laden and al-Zawahiri. Another theme that seems to accompany most new al-Qaeda videos has been again expressed about this one, namely, that the film is an effort by al-Qaeda leaders to keep the group "relevant." Finally, the fourth theme is a more or less "invisible theme" that entails the Western media's traditional ignoring of the fact that al-Qaeda's audience is as much Muslim as American.
After reviewing this media coverage, there are three reasons to be concerned. First, it appears that the media has skimmed over the tape's opening passage when they claimed that there was no "threat" in the September 2 message. "And as our brother Azaam the American talks to you," al-Zawahiri explained, "he talks to you as one who feels pity for the fate which awaits his people, and as a perceptive person who wants to lead his people out of the darkness into the light." What Azzam has to say, al-Zawahiri claims, "is grave and serious...I beseech God to open your hearts to benefiting from his words and experience" [1].
The threat in al-Zawahiri's words is starkly apparent; he says there is a dark, pitiable fate awaiting Americans because of their policies and actions toward Muslims. Azzam is even more direct, asserting "Time is running out [to decide to convert], so make the right choice before it is too late and you meet the death [that was] the most dismal fate of thousands before you." He adds that "death is something every soul must taste and that it may be closer than you and I think." He adds:
"To what can we attribute the obvious ignorance of Western peoples in general toward the religion of the Muslims and its teachings? This ignorance, which causes the people of the West to rapturously applaud when Israel perpetrates wholesale slaughter of Muslims in Lebanon and Palestine, and leads them to give their assent to the atrocities their governments commit in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere in the Muslim world, and makes them voice their approval when their armies desecrate copies of the Quran in Guantanamo and televangelists insult our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him. These events, coupled with these reactions, showcase a seething animosity and definite ignorance of the religion of Islam and the nature of its followers…Today, the televangelists, false prophets, and charlatans prey on the gullible, and the illiterate are glorying in Israel's blood lust and excessive appetite for destruction in Lebanon and Palestine" [2].
A second concern lies in the analysis of the video as a simple public relations event that is unrelated to other al-Qaeda activities. Nothing could be further from being accurate. The September 2 video is in no way an isolated occurrence, but rather part of an al-Qaeda effort that began early in 2002 in which bin Laden and al-Zawahiri have more than adequately fulfilled the Prophet Muhammad's requirements for actions that must be taken vis-à-vis an enemy before attacking him militarily. There are three such actions: multiple, clear warnings of an intention to attack; offers of a truce; and public calls on the foe to convert to Islam.
For more than four years, bin Laden and al-Zawahiri have publicly conducted this campaign and fulfilled these requirements several times over. Indeed, al-Qaeda has gone what it views as the extra mile in trying to make sure that Americans recognize the seriousness of the threat they face. Specifically, in late October 2004 bin Laden made a speech warning Americans that they could elect whomever they pleased but if U.S. foreign policy did not change, they would be attacked more fiercely than on 9/11. In this speech, bin Laden spoke in language shorn of Quranic reference and Islamic poetry, almost as if he wanted to ensure that the translation from Arabic to English would be unambiguous. The September 2 al-Zawahiri-Azzam video takes this tack toward clarity one step further by using an American convert to Islam who speaks English and can employ idiomatic phrases. Azzam talks directly to his fellow citizens and offers what seems to be something of a final warning before al-Qaeda again attacks inside the United States. It is clear beyond doubt that al-Qaeda wants no one in the West to be able to claim that Americans were not fully warned in the aftermath of the next attack in the United States.
The most troubling concern derived from Western media analysis is one that is often missing in such efforts, which is the reality that al-Qaeda, in its statements and videos, is speaking as much to Muslims as to Westerners. In the September 2 video, for example, Azzam appears to be completing a process prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad by taking special care to address Muslims at the end of his talk to preempt claims from them that it is unacceptable for the mujahideen to have said they "want to slit the throats of the infidels and now say that they want to invite them to Islam." To this point, Azzam says:
"Our reply is that our message has not changed and that the mujahideen have always been the first to call to Islam. And that even though the defense of Islam and Muslims from the merciless, relentless Crusader onslaught is their first priority, anyone who pays any attention to [the] messages of the leaders of the jihad like Sheikh Osama bin Laden and Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahiri, may God protect them, will know that they have been constant in inviting the Americans and other unbelievers to Islam, and in pressing upon them that they want the best for them, and making it clear to all that we have no choice but to fight those who fight us, and that were matters in our hands, we would prefer that all Americans and other unbelievers end their aggression, abandon unbelief and accept truth" [3].
Azzam wraps up his talk, and, it appears, al-Qaeda's effort to execute the Prophet's pre-war requirements, by telling Muslims—and implicitly Americans—that the mujahideen cannot wait long for a positive U.S. decision to convert to Islam. "Islam encourages us to invite even the most abstinent enemies and give the chance to repent," Azzam admits, but "what is really surprising is that some [Muslims] among us want to suffice with [the] invitation alone without resorting to self-defense when the enemy insists upon aggression and wanton destruction" [4].
Al-Qaeda's 48-minute, September 2 video featured a short introduction by the group's deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and a lengthy presentation by Azzam al-Amriki (Azzam the American), who apparently is U.S. citizen Adam Gadahn. The video comes just before the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attack, and it is the only known al-Qaeda video that is exclusively devoted to an offer from the group to Americans to convert to Islam. So far, Western media analysis has focused on four themes, all of which seem to assign the video to the dust bin of irrelevancy.
The primary theme of Western media analysis has been that the al-Zawahiri-Azzam tape is an effort—some term it a "PR campaign"—to soften al-Qaeda's image, to focus more on proselytizing than on violence. Another theme is a sense of relief that the journalists and media experts have not been able to find a blatant "threat" in the video, a theme that has been reinforced by an argument offered by unnamed U.S. officials who point out that Azzam al-Amriki is not a senior al-Qaeda leader and so his words are not as important as those of Osama bin Laden and al-Zawahiri. Another theme that seems to accompany most new al-Qaeda videos has been again expressed about this one, namely, that the film is an effort by al-Qaeda leaders to keep the group "relevant." Finally, the fourth theme is a more or less "invisible theme" that entails the Western media's traditional ignoring of the fact that al-Qaeda's audience is as much Muslim as American.
After reviewing this media coverage, there are three reasons to be concerned. First, it appears that the media has skimmed over the tape's opening passage when they claimed that there was no "threat" in the September 2 message. "And as our brother Azaam the American talks to you," al-Zawahiri explained, "he talks to you as one who feels pity for the fate which awaits his people, and as a perceptive person who wants to lead his people out of the darkness into the light." What Azzam has to say, al-Zawahiri claims, "is grave and serious...I beseech God to open your hearts to benefiting from his words and experience" [1].
The threat in al-Zawahiri's words is starkly apparent; he says there is a dark, pitiable fate awaiting Americans because of their policies and actions toward Muslims. Azzam is even more direct, asserting "Time is running out [to decide to convert], so make the right choice before it is too late and you meet the death [that was] the most dismal fate of thousands before you." He adds that "death is something every soul must taste and that it may be closer than you and I think." He adds:
"To what can we attribute the obvious ignorance of Western peoples in general toward the religion of the Muslims and its teachings? This ignorance, which causes the people of the West to rapturously applaud when Israel perpetrates wholesale slaughter of Muslims in Lebanon and Palestine, and leads them to give their assent to the atrocities their governments commit in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere in the Muslim world, and makes them voice their approval when their armies desecrate copies of the Quran in Guantanamo and televangelists insult our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him. These events, coupled with these reactions, showcase a seething animosity and definite ignorance of the religion of Islam and the nature of its followers…Today, the televangelists, false prophets, and charlatans prey on the gullible, and the illiterate are glorying in Israel's blood lust and excessive appetite for destruction in Lebanon and Palestine" [2].
A second concern lies in the analysis of the video as a simple public relations event that is unrelated to other al-Qaeda activities. Nothing could be further from being accurate. The September 2 video is in no way an isolated occurrence, but rather part of an al-Qaeda effort that began early in 2002 in which bin Laden and al-Zawahiri have more than adequately fulfilled the Prophet Muhammad's requirements for actions that must be taken vis-à-vis an enemy before attacking him militarily. There are three such actions: multiple, clear warnings of an intention to attack; offers of a truce; and public calls on the foe to convert to Islam.
For more than four years, bin Laden and al-Zawahiri have publicly conducted this campaign and fulfilled these requirements several times over. Indeed, al-Qaeda has gone what it views as the extra mile in trying to make sure that Americans recognize the seriousness of the threat they face. Specifically, in late October 2004 bin Laden made a speech warning Americans that they could elect whomever they pleased but if U.S. foreign policy did not change, they would be attacked more fiercely than on 9/11. In this speech, bin Laden spoke in language shorn of Quranic reference and Islamic poetry, almost as if he wanted to ensure that the translation from Arabic to English would be unambiguous. The September 2 al-Zawahiri-Azzam video takes this tack toward clarity one step further by using an American convert to Islam who speaks English and can employ idiomatic phrases. Azzam talks directly to his fellow citizens and offers what seems to be something of a final warning before al-Qaeda again attacks inside the United States. It is clear beyond doubt that al-Qaeda wants no one in the West to be able to claim that Americans were not fully warned in the aftermath of the next attack in the United States.
The most troubling concern derived from Western media analysis is one that is often missing in such efforts, which is the reality that al-Qaeda, in its statements and videos, is speaking as much to Muslims as to Westerners. In the September 2 video, for example, Azzam appears to be completing a process prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad by taking special care to address Muslims at the end of his talk to preempt claims from them that it is unacceptable for the mujahideen to have said they "want to slit the throats of the infidels and now say that they want to invite them to Islam." To this point, Azzam says:
"Our reply is that our message has not changed and that the mujahideen have always been the first to call to Islam. And that even though the defense of Islam and Muslims from the merciless, relentless Crusader onslaught is their first priority, anyone who pays any attention to [the] messages of the leaders of the jihad like Sheikh Osama bin Laden and Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahiri, may God protect them, will know that they have been constant in inviting the Americans and other unbelievers to Islam, and in pressing upon them that they want the best for them, and making it clear to all that we have no choice but to fight those who fight us, and that were matters in our hands, we would prefer that all Americans and other unbelievers end their aggression, abandon unbelief and accept truth" [3].
Azzam wraps up his talk, and, it appears, al-Qaeda's effort to execute the Prophet's pre-war requirements, by telling Muslims—and implicitly Americans—that the mujahideen cannot wait long for a positive U.S. decision to convert to Islam. "Islam encourages us to invite even the most abstinent enemies and give the chance to repent," Azzam admits, but "what is really surprising is that some [Muslims] among us want to suffice with [the] invitation alone without resorting to self-defense when the enemy insists upon aggression and wanton destruction" [4].
"We have a different plan for the next attack. You will see. Americans will hardly find out any Muslim names, after the next attack. Most of our brothers are living in Western countries, with Jewish and Christian names, with passports of Western countries. This time, someone with the name of Muhammad Atta will not attack inside America, it would be some David, Richard or Peter."--Abu Dawood
Exclusive to the Northeast Intelligence Network & CanadaFree
By Dr. Paul L. Williams & David Dastych
Urgent news from Abu Dawood, the newly appointed commander of the al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan:
* Final preparations have been made for the American Hiroshima, a major attack on the U. S.
* Muslims living in the United States should leave the country without further warning.
* The attack will be commandeered by Adnan el Shukrijumah (“Jaffer Tayyer” or “Jafer the Pilot”), a naturalized American citizen, who was raised in Brooklyn and educated in southern Florida.
* The al Qaeda operatives who will launch this attack are awaiting final orders. They remain in place in cities throughout the country. Many are masquerading as Christians and have adopted Christian names.
* Al Qaeda and the Taliban will also launch a major strike (known as the “Badar offensive” against the coalition forces in Afghanistan during the holy month of Ramadan.
* The American people will be treated to a final audio message from Osama bin Laden which will be aired within the next two weeks.
The announcements from Abu Dawood were obtained by Hamid Mir, the only journalist to interview Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Taliban leader Mullah Omar in the wake of 9/11. Mir earlier reports regarding the resurgence of the Taliban with support from Iran and an unofficial truce between President Pervez Musharraf and al Qaeda have been panned out by the press in recent months.
Is al Qaeda Preparing a Nuclear Hit?
by J. R. Nyquist
Top U.S. officials are worried that al Qaeda is preparing a major assault before the November elections. The present level of concern was first voiced by the U.S. Attorney General, then by the Secretary of Homeland Security, and now by the acting Director of Central Intelligence. The warnings qualitatively differ from previous warnings. Two data points serve to explain this qualitative shift. The first data point is the claim that al Qaeda has nuclear weapons that are probably deployed on U.S. soil. The second data point is the fact that steps are being taken to cope with a major disruption of the November elections.
A new book by terrorism expert and former FBI consultant Paul Williams says that al Qaeda acquired 20 nuclear suitcase bombs from the Chechen mafia between 1996 and 2001. This agrees with similar statements made by Yossef Bodansky in his 1999 book, Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War On America. In saying that al Qaeda poses a nuclear threat, Williams takes his analysis a step farther. He says that al Qaeda has almost assuredly smuggled suitcase bombs into the United States. He also says that these bombs are in the10 kiloton range, capable of inflicting millions of casualties. Williams believes that al Qaeda will use several of these devices in simultaneous attacks against urban targets by the end of 2005.
Is there any reason to credit this dreadful conclusion?
This week the country’s journalists were jolted by reports that security officials are looking into legal mechanisms for postponing the November elections in the event of a terror assault on the homeland. Conspiracy theorists and Bush-haters are already decrying what they call “the obvious power-grab.” But the story is not so simple, since the underlying threat is undeniably real. To be sure, Al Qaeda promised to bring death to America in the wake of 9/11 and death’s tardiness is evident. Many are therefore encouraged to denounce those who offer dire warnings. The July 19 issue of Newsweek offers a startling check to this view. American counter-terror officials have “alarming” intelligence, writes Michael Isikoff, “about a possible al Qaeda strike inside the United States this fall….” Government officials are anticipating an attack that may force the postponement of the November presidential elections.
Now let us think. Would explosions on subways, buses or trains, etc., force a closure of the polls? Spain was hit by train bombings on the eve of its recent elections, and the elections went forward without postponement. To disrupt America’s elections a terrorist would need more than a few conventional bombs. He would have to kill more than a few hundred people to disrupt America’s elections.
According to Isikoff, U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded that al Qaeda wants to “interfere with the [U.S.] elections.” Newsweek’s sources allege that the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel has been asked by the Department of Homeland Security to outline the legal steps required for election postponement
In a July 8 background briefing by the Department of Homeland Security, a senior official said that a major offensive was being planned by bin Laden’s group. “Osama bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri have issued several public statements last fall,” he explained, “threatening to carry out those attacks. And numerous al Qaeda spokespersons have, in fact, said that these plans are underway and are near completion.”
Al Qaeda’s stated goal is the destruction of the United States. This goal is peculiar in terms of its grandiosity and the frankness with which it has been broadcast. What are we to make of this? A small group cannot realistically hope to achieve such an objective on its own. Yet this is the stated objective. How on earth do they hope to advance their cause when it is so baldly overstated? After all, to propose unrealistic objectives is to court the disappointment of your own followers. If you say that you will soon destroy the United States you had better deliver a devastating attack or brace for a crippling loss of credibility and prestige. Be careful, as well, that your attack is not ineffectual since you will only raise the level of your adversary’s vigilance.
Clearly, it makes no sense that al Qaeda would declare an objective without the means to achieve that objective. Furthermore, Superpowers do not scare easily. A social system predicated on economic optimism isn’t going to surrender its most fundamental assumptions to an Islamic scarecrow hiding in a distant cave. And yet, American officials are worried. Now ask yourselves the next logical question: If the White House suspected that al Qaeda was ready with nuclear weapons on U.S. soil would the president warn the public?
In the first place, the government could not afford to warn the public. The warning itself would trigger an economic disaster and the government would be blamed. The government itself would be called on the carpet. The opposition party would turn the situation to political advantage. Therefore, a warning about nuclear strikes would be political suicide. The ruling power in this country cannot close the border because we depend on foreign trade. The government cannot arrest and deport illegal aliens because we depend on their labor. We cannot deport all Muslim aliens, since political correctness forbids such blatant profiling. The most effective security measures are impossible under the present political system. As it stands the U.S. would have to undergo an internal revolution before Washington could enact the policies most needed to defend against the suitcase nuclear threat. Simply put, the country is not ready to accept such measures. The country is not convinced that such measures are absolutely necessary. Therefore, the government cannot accept the reality of suitcase nuclear bombs sitting on U.S. soil! To admit of such a thing would be tantamount to admitting that our form of government must come to an end.
The basis of our nuclear defense for half a century has been “deterrence.” Unless you can pinpoint your enemy, unless you can locate him on a map, you cannot send a missile against him. You cannot retaliate. In the case of terrorists hiding in remote mountain caves, there may be no deterrence even if you threaten to locate them and nuke their cave. Since they do not care about their own lives, since they are determined to die for their cause, deterrence is ineffective.
Here is the dilemma of the United States in the first decade of the twenty-first century.
© 2004 Jeffrey R. Nyquist
July 14, 2004
Top U.S. officials are worried that al Qaeda is preparing a major assault before the November elections. The present level of concern was first voiced by the U.S. Attorney General, then by the Secretary of Homeland Security, and now by the acting Director of Central Intelligence. The warnings qualitatively differ from previous warnings. Two data points serve to explain this qualitative shift. The first data point is the claim that al Qaeda has nuclear weapons that are probably deployed on U.S. soil. The second data point is the fact that steps are being taken to cope with a major disruption of the November elections.
A new book by terrorism expert and former FBI consultant Paul Williams says that al Qaeda acquired 20 nuclear suitcase bombs from the Chechen mafia between 1996 and 2001. This agrees with similar statements made by Yossef Bodansky in his 1999 book, Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War On America. In saying that al Qaeda poses a nuclear threat, Williams takes his analysis a step farther. He says that al Qaeda has almost assuredly smuggled suitcase bombs into the United States. He also says that these bombs are in the10 kiloton range, capable of inflicting millions of casualties. Williams believes that al Qaeda will use several of these devices in simultaneous attacks against urban targets by the end of 2005.
Is there any reason to credit this dreadful conclusion?
This week the country’s journalists were jolted by reports that security officials are looking into legal mechanisms for postponing the November elections in the event of a terror assault on the homeland. Conspiracy theorists and Bush-haters are already decrying what they call “the obvious power-grab.” But the story is not so simple, since the underlying threat is undeniably real. To be sure, Al Qaeda promised to bring death to America in the wake of 9/11 and death’s tardiness is evident. Many are therefore encouraged to denounce those who offer dire warnings. The July 19 issue of Newsweek offers a startling check to this view. American counter-terror officials have “alarming” intelligence, writes Michael Isikoff, “about a possible al Qaeda strike inside the United States this fall….” Government officials are anticipating an attack that may force the postponement of the November presidential elections.
Now let us think. Would explosions on subways, buses or trains, etc., force a closure of the polls? Spain was hit by train bombings on the eve of its recent elections, and the elections went forward without postponement. To disrupt America’s elections a terrorist would need more than a few conventional bombs. He would have to kill more than a few hundred people to disrupt America’s elections.
According to Isikoff, U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded that al Qaeda wants to “interfere with the [U.S.] elections.” Newsweek’s sources allege that the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel has been asked by the Department of Homeland Security to outline the legal steps required for election postponement
In a July 8 background briefing by the Department of Homeland Security, a senior official said that a major offensive was being planned by bin Laden’s group. “Osama bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri have issued several public statements last fall,” he explained, “threatening to carry out those attacks. And numerous al Qaeda spokespersons have, in fact, said that these plans are underway and are near completion.”
Al Qaeda’s stated goal is the destruction of the United States. This goal is peculiar in terms of its grandiosity and the frankness with which it has been broadcast. What are we to make of this? A small group cannot realistically hope to achieve such an objective on its own. Yet this is the stated objective. How on earth do they hope to advance their cause when it is so baldly overstated? After all, to propose unrealistic objectives is to court the disappointment of your own followers. If you say that you will soon destroy the United States you had better deliver a devastating attack or brace for a crippling loss of credibility and prestige. Be careful, as well, that your attack is not ineffectual since you will only raise the level of your adversary’s vigilance.
Clearly, it makes no sense that al Qaeda would declare an objective without the means to achieve that objective. Furthermore, Superpowers do not scare easily. A social system predicated on economic optimism isn’t going to surrender its most fundamental assumptions to an Islamic scarecrow hiding in a distant cave. And yet, American officials are worried. Now ask yourselves the next logical question: If the White House suspected that al Qaeda was ready with nuclear weapons on U.S. soil would the president warn the public?
In the first place, the government could not afford to warn the public. The warning itself would trigger an economic disaster and the government would be blamed. The government itself would be called on the carpet. The opposition party would turn the situation to political advantage. Therefore, a warning about nuclear strikes would be political suicide. The ruling power in this country cannot close the border because we depend on foreign trade. The government cannot arrest and deport illegal aliens because we depend on their labor. We cannot deport all Muslim aliens, since political correctness forbids such blatant profiling. The most effective security measures are impossible under the present political system. As it stands the U.S. would have to undergo an internal revolution before Washington could enact the policies most needed to defend against the suitcase nuclear threat. Simply put, the country is not ready to accept such measures. The country is not convinced that such measures are absolutely necessary. Therefore, the government cannot accept the reality of suitcase nuclear bombs sitting on U.S. soil! To admit of such a thing would be tantamount to admitting that our form of government must come to an end.
The basis of our nuclear defense for half a century has been “deterrence.” Unless you can pinpoint your enemy, unless you can locate him on a map, you cannot send a missile against him. You cannot retaliate. In the case of terrorists hiding in remote mountain caves, there may be no deterrence even if you threaten to locate them and nuke their cave. Since they do not care about their own lives, since they are determined to die for their cause, deterrence is ineffective.
Here is the dilemma of the United States in the first decade of the twenty-first century.
© 2004 Jeffrey R. Nyquist
July 14, 2004
Religion of Peace Dying to Kill Again
by J.B. Williams
Monday, September 18, 2006
Al Qaeda terror commander hints at big attack on N.Y., Washington... The new al-Qaeda field commander recently interviewed in Afghanistan, is calling for Muslims to leave the U.S. -- particularly Washington and New York -- in anticipation of a major terror attack to rival Sept. 11, says the Canada Free Press story.
Like most peace loving free people of the western world, I'd like very much to believe that Islam is indeed a peaceful religion seeking a peaceful coexistence with all peaceful peoples of the world. It's just hard to go with that thought pattern in light of the overwhelming evidence that it just isn't so... and to believe something that has no supporting evidence and such deadly consequences if wrong, is akin to inviting disaster upon ourselves.
Muslims around the globe demand an apology for the recent unfavorable depiction of Islam by Catholic Pope Benedict. In response to the Pope's suggestion that Islam might not be a peaceful religion, as if that's a news flash, Muslims murder an elderly Italian nun at the Children's Hospital in Somalia by shooting her in the back three times. They attack Christians and their churches, burn American flags and western leaders in effigy, all to prove just how peaceful and civilized they really are.
Since the attacks of 9/11, I have spent considerable time studying the Koran (Quran) in an effort to better understand the beliefs, thought patterns, motives and methods of this expanding religion that openly seeks to dominate the world. While it's true that not all Muslims are terrorists, it is also true that almost all world terrorists are in fact Muslims. In reading the Koran, I am left with this interpretation of Islam.
There are several sects of the Islamic religion, and these sects are usually at war with each other. But when looking at Islam from a broader perspective, it seems clear and self-evident based on visible experience and Islamic scriptures, that there are only two types of Muslims. Those who follow the letter of the scriptures, seeking to kill in accordance with Allah's commandments to rid the world of all infidels, and those who do not follow the letter of the scriptures, thereby becoming infidels and targets themselves.
This explains why the vast majority of terror attacks are actually targeting other Muslims. In the eyes of Muslim terrorists, those who claim Islam but do not answer Islam's call to arms against all infidels are themselves infidels and infidels of the worst possible kind, traitors of the religion, who have turned their backs on Allah and live in blasphemy, wrongly claiming the name of Islam while rejecting the most fundamental teachings of Islam.
According to the Koran, can Islam be a peaceful religion able to live peacefully beside non-Muslims?
Koran [9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.
This scripture can only be interpreted as a condemnation and call to arms against not only those of all competing religious beliefs, but those who have been given the book [other Muslim's] who do not follow Allah's commandments as delivered by Mohammed.
Koran [9.73] O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.
These words can not be interpreted even in the most liberal terms, to be a call to peace and coexistence with non-believers, non-Muslims.
Koran [4.34] Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.
Is Islam peaceful towards women?
[17.16] And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true against it, so We destroy it with utter destruction.
[17.17] And how many of the generations did We destroy after Nuh! and your Lord is sufficient as Knowing and Seeing with regard to His servants' faults.
[17.18] Whoever desires this present life, We hasten to him therein what We please for whomsoever We desire, then We assign to him the hell; he shall enter it despised, driven away.
Is Islam peaceful towards Israel? These are the words of the Koran under The Children of Israel section... A peaceful religion?
Today, America and much of the free world is having trouble understanding the threat that brought massive death and destruction to our doorstep on September 11, 2001. We are having trouble comprehending the motives and methods of our enemy and the enemy of all peace loving civilized nations. We are debating the rights of a murderous people as opposed to the rights of peace-loving people who seek to defend themselves against an ongoing threat that is the fundamental commandment of the Koran, the Holy word at the center of a so-called peaceful religion.
There are those who claim that equally offensive and aggressive scriptures appear in the Christian Bible, which is true. The difference is - these scriptures appear in Old Testament text. Christianity is based on the teachings of Christ, which is recorded in New Testament text and teaches a much different lesson than the Old Testament. Christ called upon all Christians to love and respect all people, even the non-believer, even thy enemy. Christians are called to prosecute the sin, but love the sinner. According to Mohammed and those who follow his teachings, Allah calls his people to destroy all non-believers the world over, no exceptions and no excuses.
It isn't possible to cover all the territory that should be covered on this topic in a column. I encourage people seeking to understand the evil faced by the free world, to study the teachings of Islam for themselves.
Yes, there are Muslims who declare that Islam is peaceful and that extremists who practice terror against infidels have perverted Islam. However, according to those so-called extremists, it is those who refuse to follow Allah's commandments that have perverted Islam and according to scriptures from the Koran, the extremists would be correct in that assertion. Those who refuse to take up arms against all infidels are infidels, according to text from the Koran.
Keep this in mind the next time you hear the President of Iran, a Muslim political leader, call for the complete destruction of Israel, and as he describes his own rise to power as Allah's will, intended to bring about Armageddon on earth and the final return of Islam's Messiah. Keep it in mind when seeking to understand why Palestinians elected well-known terror organization Hamas as the official leadership of their people. Keep it in mind as Islamic sects, normally at war with each other, unite in a common cause of eliminating all infidels from the world. Keep it in mind as the UN forces Israel to withdraw from Lebanon, where they were fighting Iran's Hezbollah, the Muslim terror organization that brought suicide bombing to world-wide prominence.
Keep all of these things in mind as you listen to politician's debate America's right to avoid events worse than 9/11 by using every possible tool to trace, track, eavesdrop upon, capture, interrogate, prosecute or kill those who are working patiently around the clock, around the world, to kill us, the infidels.
Remember these things as you weigh in your own mind, the rights of people honored to strap bombs to the chests of their children and send them into a shopping mall, sneak bio, chemical or God forbid, nuclear weapons into America or any other peaceful nation, against the rights of all peaceful people to defend their peaceful way of life against such enemies, at all cost.
When you step into the voting booth this fall, remember those who are fighting for our right to survive such a brutal unconventional but determined enemy and those who fight to remove our ability to do so by working to undermine every effort to secure our way of life in the name of compassion towards committed killers.
Our choices are more obvious than ever in recent history, as are our challenges. There are those among us who are prepared to meet these challenges with unrelenting force and those who wish to shrink from these challenges in defeat, promoting the same policies of appeasement that allowed this international threat to reach epidemic global proportions.
No...while there is evidence to support a claim that not all Muslims are terrorists, there is also overwhelming evidence to support the claim that the world's most dangerous terrorists are indeed Muslim, and further that any Muslim who has not heard or answered Allah's call to kill infidels, have made targets of themselves.
There is no evidence to support the claim that Islam is a peaceful religion. I'm no expert... but I don't need to be an expert to properly interpret the teachings of a religion that gives birth and rise to entire generations of homicide bombers? Do I? Do you...?
Monday, September 18, 2006
Al Qaeda terror commander hints at big attack on N.Y., Washington... The new al-Qaeda field commander recently interviewed in Afghanistan, is calling for Muslims to leave the U.S. -- particularly Washington and New York -- in anticipation of a major terror attack to rival Sept. 11, says the Canada Free Press story.
Like most peace loving free people of the western world, I'd like very much to believe that Islam is indeed a peaceful religion seeking a peaceful coexistence with all peaceful peoples of the world. It's just hard to go with that thought pattern in light of the overwhelming evidence that it just isn't so... and to believe something that has no supporting evidence and such deadly consequences if wrong, is akin to inviting disaster upon ourselves.
Muslims around the globe demand an apology for the recent unfavorable depiction of Islam by Catholic Pope Benedict. In response to the Pope's suggestion that Islam might not be a peaceful religion, as if that's a news flash, Muslims murder an elderly Italian nun at the Children's Hospital in Somalia by shooting her in the back three times. They attack Christians and their churches, burn American flags and western leaders in effigy, all to prove just how peaceful and civilized they really are.
Since the attacks of 9/11, I have spent considerable time studying the Koran (Quran) in an effort to better understand the beliefs, thought patterns, motives and methods of this expanding religion that openly seeks to dominate the world. While it's true that not all Muslims are terrorists, it is also true that almost all world terrorists are in fact Muslims. In reading the Koran, I am left with this interpretation of Islam.
There are several sects of the Islamic religion, and these sects are usually at war with each other. But when looking at Islam from a broader perspective, it seems clear and self-evident based on visible experience and Islamic scriptures, that there are only two types of Muslims. Those who follow the letter of the scriptures, seeking to kill in accordance with Allah's commandments to rid the world of all infidels, and those who do not follow the letter of the scriptures, thereby becoming infidels and targets themselves.
This explains why the vast majority of terror attacks are actually targeting other Muslims. In the eyes of Muslim terrorists, those who claim Islam but do not answer Islam's call to arms against all infidels are themselves infidels and infidels of the worst possible kind, traitors of the religion, who have turned their backs on Allah and live in blasphemy, wrongly claiming the name of Islam while rejecting the most fundamental teachings of Islam.
According to the Koran, can Islam be a peaceful religion able to live peacefully beside non-Muslims?
Koran [9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.
This scripture can only be interpreted as a condemnation and call to arms against not only those of all competing religious beliefs, but those who have been given the book [other Muslim's] who do not follow Allah's commandments as delivered by Mohammed.
Koran [9.73] O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.
These words can not be interpreted even in the most liberal terms, to be a call to peace and coexistence with non-believers, non-Muslims.
Koran [4.34] Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.
Is Islam peaceful towards women?
[17.16] And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true against it, so We destroy it with utter destruction.
[17.17] And how many of the generations did We destroy after Nuh! and your Lord is sufficient as Knowing and Seeing with regard to His servants' faults.
[17.18] Whoever desires this present life, We hasten to him therein what We please for whomsoever We desire, then We assign to him the hell; he shall enter it despised, driven away.
Is Islam peaceful towards Israel? These are the words of the Koran under The Children of Israel section... A peaceful religion?
Today, America and much of the free world is having trouble understanding the threat that brought massive death and destruction to our doorstep on September 11, 2001. We are having trouble comprehending the motives and methods of our enemy and the enemy of all peace loving civilized nations. We are debating the rights of a murderous people as opposed to the rights of peace-loving people who seek to defend themselves against an ongoing threat that is the fundamental commandment of the Koran, the Holy word at the center of a so-called peaceful religion.
There are those who claim that equally offensive and aggressive scriptures appear in the Christian Bible, which is true. The difference is - these scriptures appear in Old Testament text. Christianity is based on the teachings of Christ, which is recorded in New Testament text and teaches a much different lesson than the Old Testament. Christ called upon all Christians to love and respect all people, even the non-believer, even thy enemy. Christians are called to prosecute the sin, but love the sinner. According to Mohammed and those who follow his teachings, Allah calls his people to destroy all non-believers the world over, no exceptions and no excuses.
It isn't possible to cover all the territory that should be covered on this topic in a column. I encourage people seeking to understand the evil faced by the free world, to study the teachings of Islam for themselves.
Yes, there are Muslims who declare that Islam is peaceful and that extremists who practice terror against infidels have perverted Islam. However, according to those so-called extremists, it is those who refuse to follow Allah's commandments that have perverted Islam and according to scriptures from the Koran, the extremists would be correct in that assertion. Those who refuse to take up arms against all infidels are infidels, according to text from the Koran.
Keep this in mind the next time you hear the President of Iran, a Muslim political leader, call for the complete destruction of Israel, and as he describes his own rise to power as Allah's will, intended to bring about Armageddon on earth and the final return of Islam's Messiah. Keep it in mind when seeking to understand why Palestinians elected well-known terror organization Hamas as the official leadership of their people. Keep it in mind as Islamic sects, normally at war with each other, unite in a common cause of eliminating all infidels from the world. Keep it in mind as the UN forces Israel to withdraw from Lebanon, where they were fighting Iran's Hezbollah, the Muslim terror organization that brought suicide bombing to world-wide prominence.
Keep all of these things in mind as you listen to politician's debate America's right to avoid events worse than 9/11 by using every possible tool to trace, track, eavesdrop upon, capture, interrogate, prosecute or kill those who are working patiently around the clock, around the world, to kill us, the infidels.
Remember these things as you weigh in your own mind, the rights of people honored to strap bombs to the chests of their children and send them into a shopping mall, sneak bio, chemical or God forbid, nuclear weapons into America or any other peaceful nation, against the rights of all peaceful people to defend their peaceful way of life against such enemies, at all cost.
When you step into the voting booth this fall, remember those who are fighting for our right to survive such a brutal unconventional but determined enemy and those who fight to remove our ability to do so by working to undermine every effort to secure our way of life in the name of compassion towards committed killers.
Our choices are more obvious than ever in recent history, as are our challenges. There are those among us who are prepared to meet these challenges with unrelenting force and those who wish to shrink from these challenges in defeat, promoting the same policies of appeasement that allowed this international threat to reach epidemic global proportions.
No...while there is evidence to support a claim that not all Muslims are terrorists, there is also overwhelming evidence to support the claim that the world's most dangerous terrorists are indeed Muslim, and further that any Muslim who has not heard or answered Allah's call to kill infidels, have made targets of themselves.
There is no evidence to support the claim that Islam is a peaceful religion. I'm no expert... but I don't need to be an expert to properly interpret the teachings of a religion that gives birth and rise to entire generations of homicide bombers? Do I? Do you...?
The search for Adnan El Shukrijumah
By Paul L. Williams
Monday, September 18, 2006
Adnan el Shukrijumah possesses the uncanny abilities to blend into a crowd, to alter his looks, and to assume a multitude of identities. He is the proverbial Mr. Cellophane. Few things about Shukrijumah indicate his radical Islamic orientation. He is often clean-shaven and never wears a long shirt or chews a toothpick. He has been known to have a beer on occasion (like an average American Joe), to smoke an occasional Camel, and to carry rosary beads in his pocket. He has posed as an Italian-American, a Mexican-American, a Canadian, a Saudi, a Jamaican, and a Latino from Trinidad. He stands somewhere between 5'4" and 5'6" and weighs 140 pounds. He has black hair, black eyes, an olive complexion, and a pronounced nose. This guy's face does not appear on the nightly news, even though a BOLO ("Be-On-the-Lookout") was issued March 21, 2004, by FBI Director Robert Mueller and former Attorney General John Ashcroft. He hasn't even made the spotlight of"America's Most Wanted" with John Walsh. But no one on planet earth is more of a threat to the lives and well-being of every man, woman and child within the United States than ferret-faced Adnan.
Next Attack Imminent: Muslims ordered to leave the United States
Adnan el Shukrijumah was born in Guyana on August 4, 1975 -- the first born of Gulshair el Shukrijumah, a 44-year-old radical Muslim cleric, and his 16-year-old wife. In 1985, Gulshair migrated to the United States, where he assumed duties as the imam of the Farouq Mosque at 554 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. The mosque, as noted earlier, has served for many years as a center for terrorist activities and a recruiting station for al-Qaeda.[i]
In 1995, the Shukrijumah family relocated to Miramar, Fla., where Gulshair became the spiritual leader of the radical Masjid al Hijah Mosque and imam of the Boca Raton Islamic Center. Adnan became friends there with such wannabe terrorists: as Jose Padilla, who planned to detonate a radiological bomb in midtown Manhattan; Imran Mandhai, who was convicted of attempting to blow up nuclear power plants in southern Florida; Moessa Shuyeb Jokham, who was arrested for plotting to blow up Jewish community centers and businesses; and a group of other home-grown terrorists.[ii] Questioned about the aspiring terrorists, Sofian Abdelaziz Zakout, director of the American Muslim Association and a friend of the Shukrijumah family, said: "I saw [Adnan el Shukrijumah, Padilla and Mandhai] at different times in different mosques, and I always said hello. Does that make me a terrorist?"[iii]
Adnan attended flight schools in Florida and Norman, Oklahoma, along with Mohammad Atta and the other 9-11 operatives, and he became a highly skilled commercial jet pilot, although he, like Atta and the other terrorists, never applied for a license with the Federal Aviation Commission.[iv]
In April 2001, Adnan spent 10 days in Panama, where he reportedly met with al Qaeda officials to assist in the planning of 9-11. The following month, he obtained an associate's degree in computer engineering from Broward Community College, where Mandhai and Jokhan had been enrolled as full-time students.[v]
Shukrijumah came to appear as a blip on the FBI's radar screen in March, 2001, after special agents in Miami launched an investigation of the Darul Uloom Institute and Islamic Training Center, which operates out of a large storefront on the Hollywood/Pines Boulevard in Pembroke Pines. The agents were interested in the activities of Imran Mandhai, who frequented the mosque and stated his intention to create a jihad cell that would consist of 25 or 30 men, including his pal, Adnan el Shukrijumah. The cell, Mandhai maintained, would target electric substations, Jewish institutions, a National Guard armory, even Mount Rushmore. "It was no secret that [Adnan] was pretty radical," says a federal law enforcement source, "and that Mandhai thought he would be interested in what they were doing."[vi]
But Shukrijumah was too slick and smart to become involved in the creation of a cell with a loudmouth like Mandhai. He declined to join their plans for jihad, correctly surmising that Mandhai already had attracted too much attention. But his name had been mentioned, and the federal investigators discovered that Shukrijumah had lied on his green-card application regarding a prior arrest. For this reason, a confidential report with cursory information in his name was opened at FBI headquarters. The record was filed and quickly forgotten.[vii]
Between 1996 and 2000, Adnan became a jet-setter. He traveled to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where he met with Ramzi Binalshibh, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and other members of the al Qaeda high command. He also spent considerable time within al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, where he received training in explosives and special operations[viii]. He traveled to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where he met with Ramzi Binalshibh, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and other al Qaeda leaders.. He also spent considerable time within al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, where he received training in explosives and special operations[ix]. He traveled to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where he met with Ramzi Binalshibh, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and other members of the al-Qaeda high command. He also spent considerable time within al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, where he received training in explosives and special operations[x].
In May, 2001, he headed off to Trinidad, where his father Gulshair had worked as an official for the Saudi Arabian government. From Trinidad, he trekked to Tobago and Guyana. He managed to amass passports from Guyana, Trinidad, Saudi Arabia, Canada and the United States and began to adopt a number of aliases, including Abu Arifi, Jafar al-Tayyar, Jaafar at-Yayyar, Ja'far al-Tayar, and Mohammed Sher Mohammed Khan (the name that appeared on his official FBI file).[xi] Adnan also found time, according to Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, to take part in the 9/11 attacks as a"fixer," that is, a behind-the-scenes operative who helped with the plans for hijacking the aircraft.
Following the success of 9-11, Shukrijumah became singled out by bin Laden and al-Zawahiri to spearhead the next great attack on America -- a nuclear attack that would take place simultaneously in seven U.S. cities (New York, Boston, Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Washington D.C.), leaving millions dead and the richest and most powerful nation on earth in ashes.[xii]
To prepare for this mission, Shukrijumah and fellow al Qaeda agents Anas al Liby, Jaber A. Elbaneh, and Amer el Matti, purportedly were sent to McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, a facility that boasted a five-megawatt nuclear research reactor, the largest reactor of any educational facility in Canada. At McMaster, Adnan reportedly kept to himself, made few new friends or acquaintances, kept strictly to his studies, and left the facility at the same time as his colleagues.[xiii] He also managed to obtain employment at the reactor - - allegedly as a guide.[xiv] Adnan's"normal' behavior on the Hamilton campus, a source said, gave him entry to places where dangerous materials were stored without raising undue suspicion. Bit by bit, the al-Qaeda operative allegedly managed to pilfer approximately 180 pounds of nuclear material from the university - - enough to build several radiological bombs.[xv]
According to Debka, an internet outlet for Israeli intelligence, Shukrijumah was under surveillance by Canadian officials in early October 2003, when he suddenly stopped attending classes and failed to show up for work. His disappearance aroused no concern, the sources say, until a few days later when the nuclear material was reported missing.[xvi]
Jayne Johnson, a spokesperson for McMaster University, declined to comment on the reports of Shukrijumah and the other al-Qaeda agents at the school. Other McMaster officials denied that any al Qaeda agents were on campus and that any nuclear or radiological material was missing from the campus. But witnesses have verified Shukrijumah's presence in Hamilton and the school, according to several sources, has experienced radiological"leakage."[xvii]
Upon investigating the matter, Debka raised the following questions concerning Shukrijumah at McMaster and mind-boggling vanishing act:
Why were there no agents observing the subject inside the reactor? These sources did not disclose which security agencies were responsible for the surveillance.
Who gave Shukrijumah, a Saudi Arabian under suspicion, access to the reactor? And how is it that no one noticed increasing amounts of nuclear or radiological materials were disappearing over a period of months?
How was Shukrijumah able to give his watchers the slip?
Was the subject tipped off by an inside source in the U. S. or Canadian security services?[xviii]
Upon their departure from Canada, Adnan and his terrorist friends made their way to Buffalo where they may have been harbored by some members of the notorious Lackawanna (LA) Mosque, where Jaber A. Elbaneh had been a prominent member. It is also possible that they may have received monetary and logistical support from Mohammed Albanna, who managed to escape under the radar of the bust of the LA 6 (members of the Lackawanna mosque who were taken into custody for serving al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations) in 2002.
In the wake of Operation Enduring Freedom (the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan), CIA and military intelligence officials discovered the reoccurrence of the names of Jaffar al Tayyar ("Jafer the Pilot") and Mohammed Sher Mohammed Khan in "pocket litter" -- documents and scraps taken from prisoners and dead al Qaeda soldiers.[xix] In May 2002, U.S. intelligence and military officials starting asking a pressing question to al Qaeda detainees who were being interrogated at foreign prisons and secret CIA and military facilities abroad."Whom," the officials asked,"would al Qaeda pick to lead the next big attack against U.S. targets?" Intelligence sources told U. S. News and World Reports that several of the detainees coughed up the same answer: "Jaffar al Tayyar."[xx] The detainees said they had encountered "the Pilot" during al Qaeda training exercises in Afghanistan. Intelligence officers presented photos of hundreds of suspected al Qaeda operatives to the detainees. Several identified an individual who bore a resemblance to Adnan el Shukrijumah. But the resemblance was not reality, and it would take months before the FBI and CIA teams, with their sophisticated equipment and state-of-the-art search engines, would realize it. "We were pursuing a lead," says one official, "that in the end turned out to be a dead end. We found out we were after the wrong person."[xxi] Indeed, the teams might still be searching for the wrong suspects and hitting dead-ends, if not for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al-Qaeda's military operations chief, who was captured, quite by accident, in Karachi, Pakistan March 1, 2003.
After days of interrogation, coupled with severe sleep deprivation, Mohammed told U.S. officials that bin Laden was planning to create a "nuclear hell storm" in America.[xxii] Unlike other attacks, the terrorist chief said, the chain of command for the nuclear attack answered directly to bin Laden, al-Zawahiri, and a mysterious scientist called "Dr. X." Mohammed later admitted that "Dr. X" was Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani father of the Islamic bomb and the godfather of modern nuclear proliferation. He further confessed that the field commander for this operation was a naturalized American citizen whom he also referred to as Mohammed Sher Mohammed Khan and "Jafer al Tayyar" ("Jafer the Pilot").[xxiii] Both names are aliases of Adnan el Shukrijumah.
Khalid Mohammed went on to say that Adnan represents a"single-cell" - - a lone agent capable of launching a solo nuclear or radiological attack on a major American city. The news of such a cell reportedly startled U. S. officials who assumed that al Qaeda cells contained several members who were supported by broad logistical back-up crews.[xxiv]
On March 21, 2004, Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller issued a BOLO ("be-on-the-lookout") alert for Shukrijumah and Amer el-Maati, along with Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani woman who received a biology degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and penned a doctoral thesis on neurological science at Brandeis University; Ahmed Kalfan Ghailani (aka "Foopie"), who took part in the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania; Adam Yahiye Gadahn (aka Adam Pearlman), a convert to Islam who grew up on a goat ranch in Riverside County, California; and Abderraouf Jdey, the leader of the al-Qaeda cell in Toronto.[xxv]
Several days after the BOLO was issued, Adnan and Jdey were spotted at a Denny's restaurant in Avon, Colo., where one ordered a chicken sandwich and a salad. Samuel Mac, the restaurant manager, described them as "demanding, rude and obnoxious."[xxvi] They told Mac they were from Iran and were driving from New York to the West Coast. Upon calling the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., Mac said the agent who answered the telephone said he had to call the bureau's Denver office and declined to take down any information. When Mac called the Denver office of the FBI, he said he was shuttled to voice mail because"all the agents were busy."[xxvii] It was five hours before a seemingly uninterested agent called the restaurant manager. This agent, according to Mac, took a few notes and said she would pass the information along to the field agents who were handling the case.[xxviii]
This promise represented the full extent of the government's interest in the sighting even though Shukrijumah had been labeled by FBI Director Robert Mueller as"the next Mohammad Atta" and even though the FBI had posted a $5 million reward for any information leading to his capture. The federal and state law enforcement officials failed to interview the restaurant workers and the patrons, purportedly even those who were willing to verify the presence of the terrorists in the restaurant. No forensic evidence was obtained from the scene by any law enforcement officials - - not even the utensils that had been used by the suspects. When contacted by The Denver Post, Monique Kelso, spokeswoman for the Denver bureau, said the office had received at least a dozen calls as a result of the BOLO. The calls, Kelo said, were all taken seriously. She added, "We follow up on every lead."[xxix]
Following the incident in Colorado, the diminutive Shukrijumah resurfaced at a terrorist summit in the lawless Waziristan Province of Pakistan in April 2004. The summit has been described by the FBI as a "pivotal planning session" in much the same manner as a 2000 meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur for the 9-11 attacks. Attending the summit were Abu Issa al Hindi, a Pakistani technician whose company contained plans for staging attacks at financial institutions in New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C., and Mohammed Babar, who has been charged with buying materials to build bombs for attacks in Great Britain [xxx] Babar is an American citizen and resident of Queens, New York, where he was a leading member of the Islamic Thinkers Society, a group that burned the American flag during a demonstration before the Israeli consulate in 2006 and held up placards stating:"The mushroom cloud is on its way."[xxxi]
On May 27, 2004, Adnan el Shukrijumah was spotted at an Internet café in Tegucigalpa, the hilly capital of Honduras, where he made calls to France, Canada, and the U.S. He was described as badly dressed and bearded. At his table were Mara Salvatrucha leaders (jefes) from Panama, Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador.[xxxii] According to the café owner, who recognized Adnan from photos in the newspaper, he spoke to the jefes in English and Spanish. Shukrijumah's presence at the cafe was later verified by the Honduran Security Ministry, who confirmed that the elusive terrorists had made telephone calls from there to France, the U. S., and Canada.[xxxiii]
On June 12, Gulshair el Shukrijumah, Adnan's radical father, died in Miramar as a result of a stroke. Some sources attributed his demise to "the will of Allah." His funeral was attended by around 1,000 people who "prayed for Allah to accept their departed Sheik into his arms." Ibrahim Dremali, the Imam of the Boca Raton Islamic Center, said that Gulshair had"a positive effect on people."[xxxiv]
From Tegucigalpa, Adnan made his way north to Belize in British Honduras and, from Belize, to Mexico's Quintana Roo State, south of Cancun.[xxxv] He remained in Mexico for much of the summer of 2004. In late August, he was spotted in the northern Mexican province of Sonora near "terrorist alley," the main passageway for illegal aliens, including OTMs (other than Mexicans) and "Special Interest Aliens" - - to the land of Mickey Mouse, MTV, and George W. Bush.[xxxvi]
Concern about Shukrijumah's extended stay in Mexico was heightened in November 2004 with the arrest in Pakistan of Sharif al-Masri, a key al Qaeda operative. Al Masri, an Egyptian national jihadist with close ties to al Zawahiri, bin Laden's No. 2 man, informed interrogators that al-Qaeda had made arrangements to smuggle nuclear supplies and tactical nuclear weapons into Mexico. From Mexico, the weapons were to be transported across the border with the help of a Latino street gang. The gang was later identified as Mara Salvatrucha, the gang that Adnan had trekked across the North American continent to meet in a Honduran café, and the plans that he discussed with the gang leaders were the plans that had been purportedly finalized at the terrorist summit in Waziristan.[xxxvii]
In response to this information, U.S. officials began monitoring all heavy trucks crossing the border, while Mexican officials pledged to keep close watch over flight schools and aviation facilities. Such precautions may have been adopted too late. A Piper PA Pawnee crop duster was stolen from Ejido Queretaro near Mexicali on November 1, 2004. The plane's tail number was XBCYP. The thieves, Mexican officials surmised, were either drug dealers or al-Qaeda operatives, and clearly one was a highly trained pilot who met the description of Adnan el-Shukrijumah.[xxxviii
Monday, September 18, 2006
Adnan el Shukrijumah possesses the uncanny abilities to blend into a crowd, to alter his looks, and to assume a multitude of identities. He is the proverbial Mr. Cellophane. Few things about Shukrijumah indicate his radical Islamic orientation. He is often clean-shaven and never wears a long shirt or chews a toothpick. He has been known to have a beer on occasion (like an average American Joe), to smoke an occasional Camel, and to carry rosary beads in his pocket. He has posed as an Italian-American, a Mexican-American, a Canadian, a Saudi, a Jamaican, and a Latino from Trinidad. He stands somewhere between 5'4" and 5'6" and weighs 140 pounds. He has black hair, black eyes, an olive complexion, and a pronounced nose. This guy's face does not appear on the nightly news, even though a BOLO ("Be-On-the-Lookout") was issued March 21, 2004, by FBI Director Robert Mueller and former Attorney General John Ashcroft. He hasn't even made the spotlight of"America's Most Wanted" with John Walsh. But no one on planet earth is more of a threat to the lives and well-being of every man, woman and child within the United States than ferret-faced Adnan.
Next Attack Imminent: Muslims ordered to leave the United States
Adnan el Shukrijumah was born in Guyana on August 4, 1975 -- the first born of Gulshair el Shukrijumah, a 44-year-old radical Muslim cleric, and his 16-year-old wife. In 1985, Gulshair migrated to the United States, where he assumed duties as the imam of the Farouq Mosque at 554 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. The mosque, as noted earlier, has served for many years as a center for terrorist activities and a recruiting station for al-Qaeda.[i]
In 1995, the Shukrijumah family relocated to Miramar, Fla., where Gulshair became the spiritual leader of the radical Masjid al Hijah Mosque and imam of the Boca Raton Islamic Center. Adnan became friends there with such wannabe terrorists: as Jose Padilla, who planned to detonate a radiological bomb in midtown Manhattan; Imran Mandhai, who was convicted of attempting to blow up nuclear power plants in southern Florida; Moessa Shuyeb Jokham, who was arrested for plotting to blow up Jewish community centers and businesses; and a group of other home-grown terrorists.[ii] Questioned about the aspiring terrorists, Sofian Abdelaziz Zakout, director of the American Muslim Association and a friend of the Shukrijumah family, said: "I saw [Adnan el Shukrijumah, Padilla and Mandhai] at different times in different mosques, and I always said hello. Does that make me a terrorist?"[iii]
Adnan attended flight schools in Florida and Norman, Oklahoma, along with Mohammad Atta and the other 9-11 operatives, and he became a highly skilled commercial jet pilot, although he, like Atta and the other terrorists, never applied for a license with the Federal Aviation Commission.[iv]
In April 2001, Adnan spent 10 days in Panama, where he reportedly met with al Qaeda officials to assist in the planning of 9-11. The following month, he obtained an associate's degree in computer engineering from Broward Community College, where Mandhai and Jokhan had been enrolled as full-time students.[v]
Shukrijumah came to appear as a blip on the FBI's radar screen in March, 2001, after special agents in Miami launched an investigation of the Darul Uloom Institute and Islamic Training Center, which operates out of a large storefront on the Hollywood/Pines Boulevard in Pembroke Pines. The agents were interested in the activities of Imran Mandhai, who frequented the mosque and stated his intention to create a jihad cell that would consist of 25 or 30 men, including his pal, Adnan el Shukrijumah. The cell, Mandhai maintained, would target electric substations, Jewish institutions, a National Guard armory, even Mount Rushmore. "It was no secret that [Adnan] was pretty radical," says a federal law enforcement source, "and that Mandhai thought he would be interested in what they were doing."[vi]
But Shukrijumah was too slick and smart to become involved in the creation of a cell with a loudmouth like Mandhai. He declined to join their plans for jihad, correctly surmising that Mandhai already had attracted too much attention. But his name had been mentioned, and the federal investigators discovered that Shukrijumah had lied on his green-card application regarding a prior arrest. For this reason, a confidential report with cursory information in his name was opened at FBI headquarters. The record was filed and quickly forgotten.[vii]
Between 1996 and 2000, Adnan became a jet-setter. He traveled to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where he met with Ramzi Binalshibh, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and other members of the al Qaeda high command. He also spent considerable time within al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, where he received training in explosives and special operations[viii]. He traveled to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where he met with Ramzi Binalshibh, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and other al Qaeda leaders.. He also spent considerable time within al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, where he received training in explosives and special operations[ix]. He traveled to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where he met with Ramzi Binalshibh, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and other members of the al-Qaeda high command. He also spent considerable time within al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, where he received training in explosives and special operations[x].
In May, 2001, he headed off to Trinidad, where his father Gulshair had worked as an official for the Saudi Arabian government. From Trinidad, he trekked to Tobago and Guyana. He managed to amass passports from Guyana, Trinidad, Saudi Arabia, Canada and the United States and began to adopt a number of aliases, including Abu Arifi, Jafar al-Tayyar, Jaafar at-Yayyar, Ja'far al-Tayar, and Mohammed Sher Mohammed Khan (the name that appeared on his official FBI file).[xi] Adnan also found time, according to Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, to take part in the 9/11 attacks as a"fixer," that is, a behind-the-scenes operative who helped with the plans for hijacking the aircraft.
Following the success of 9-11, Shukrijumah became singled out by bin Laden and al-Zawahiri to spearhead the next great attack on America -- a nuclear attack that would take place simultaneously in seven U.S. cities (New York, Boston, Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Washington D.C.), leaving millions dead and the richest and most powerful nation on earth in ashes.[xii]
To prepare for this mission, Shukrijumah and fellow al Qaeda agents Anas al Liby, Jaber A. Elbaneh, and Amer el Matti, purportedly were sent to McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, a facility that boasted a five-megawatt nuclear research reactor, the largest reactor of any educational facility in Canada. At McMaster, Adnan reportedly kept to himself, made few new friends or acquaintances, kept strictly to his studies, and left the facility at the same time as his colleagues.[xiii] He also managed to obtain employment at the reactor - - allegedly as a guide.[xiv] Adnan's"normal' behavior on the Hamilton campus, a source said, gave him entry to places where dangerous materials were stored without raising undue suspicion. Bit by bit, the al-Qaeda operative allegedly managed to pilfer approximately 180 pounds of nuclear material from the university - - enough to build several radiological bombs.[xv]
According to Debka, an internet outlet for Israeli intelligence, Shukrijumah was under surveillance by Canadian officials in early October 2003, when he suddenly stopped attending classes and failed to show up for work. His disappearance aroused no concern, the sources say, until a few days later when the nuclear material was reported missing.[xvi]
Jayne Johnson, a spokesperson for McMaster University, declined to comment on the reports of Shukrijumah and the other al-Qaeda agents at the school. Other McMaster officials denied that any al Qaeda agents were on campus and that any nuclear or radiological material was missing from the campus. But witnesses have verified Shukrijumah's presence in Hamilton and the school, according to several sources, has experienced radiological"leakage."[xvii]
Upon investigating the matter, Debka raised the following questions concerning Shukrijumah at McMaster and mind-boggling vanishing act:
Why were there no agents observing the subject inside the reactor? These sources did not disclose which security agencies were responsible for the surveillance.
Who gave Shukrijumah, a Saudi Arabian under suspicion, access to the reactor? And how is it that no one noticed increasing amounts of nuclear or radiological materials were disappearing over a period of months?
How was Shukrijumah able to give his watchers the slip?
Was the subject tipped off by an inside source in the U. S. or Canadian security services?[xviii]
Upon their departure from Canada, Adnan and his terrorist friends made their way to Buffalo where they may have been harbored by some members of the notorious Lackawanna (LA) Mosque, where Jaber A. Elbaneh had been a prominent member. It is also possible that they may have received monetary and logistical support from Mohammed Albanna, who managed to escape under the radar of the bust of the LA 6 (members of the Lackawanna mosque who were taken into custody for serving al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations) in 2002.
In the wake of Operation Enduring Freedom (the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan), CIA and military intelligence officials discovered the reoccurrence of the names of Jaffar al Tayyar ("Jafer the Pilot") and Mohammed Sher Mohammed Khan in "pocket litter" -- documents and scraps taken from prisoners and dead al Qaeda soldiers.[xix] In May 2002, U.S. intelligence and military officials starting asking a pressing question to al Qaeda detainees who were being interrogated at foreign prisons and secret CIA and military facilities abroad."Whom," the officials asked,"would al Qaeda pick to lead the next big attack against U.S. targets?" Intelligence sources told U. S. News and World Reports that several of the detainees coughed up the same answer: "Jaffar al Tayyar."[xx] The detainees said they had encountered "the Pilot" during al Qaeda training exercises in Afghanistan. Intelligence officers presented photos of hundreds of suspected al Qaeda operatives to the detainees. Several identified an individual who bore a resemblance to Adnan el Shukrijumah. But the resemblance was not reality, and it would take months before the FBI and CIA teams, with their sophisticated equipment and state-of-the-art search engines, would realize it. "We were pursuing a lead," says one official, "that in the end turned out to be a dead end. We found out we were after the wrong person."[xxi] Indeed, the teams might still be searching for the wrong suspects and hitting dead-ends, if not for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al-Qaeda's military operations chief, who was captured, quite by accident, in Karachi, Pakistan March 1, 2003.
After days of interrogation, coupled with severe sleep deprivation, Mohammed told U.S. officials that bin Laden was planning to create a "nuclear hell storm" in America.[xxii] Unlike other attacks, the terrorist chief said, the chain of command for the nuclear attack answered directly to bin Laden, al-Zawahiri, and a mysterious scientist called "Dr. X." Mohammed later admitted that "Dr. X" was Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani father of the Islamic bomb and the godfather of modern nuclear proliferation. He further confessed that the field commander for this operation was a naturalized American citizen whom he also referred to as Mohammed Sher Mohammed Khan and "Jafer al Tayyar" ("Jafer the Pilot").[xxiii] Both names are aliases of Adnan el Shukrijumah.
Khalid Mohammed went on to say that Adnan represents a"single-cell" - - a lone agent capable of launching a solo nuclear or radiological attack on a major American city. The news of such a cell reportedly startled U. S. officials who assumed that al Qaeda cells contained several members who were supported by broad logistical back-up crews.[xxiv]
On March 21, 2004, Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller issued a BOLO ("be-on-the-lookout") alert for Shukrijumah and Amer el-Maati, along with Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani woman who received a biology degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and penned a doctoral thesis on neurological science at Brandeis University; Ahmed Kalfan Ghailani (aka "Foopie"), who took part in the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania; Adam Yahiye Gadahn (aka Adam Pearlman), a convert to Islam who grew up on a goat ranch in Riverside County, California; and Abderraouf Jdey, the leader of the al-Qaeda cell in Toronto.[xxv]
Several days after the BOLO was issued, Adnan and Jdey were spotted at a Denny's restaurant in Avon, Colo., where one ordered a chicken sandwich and a salad. Samuel Mac, the restaurant manager, described them as "demanding, rude and obnoxious."[xxvi] They told Mac they were from Iran and were driving from New York to the West Coast. Upon calling the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., Mac said the agent who answered the telephone said he had to call the bureau's Denver office and declined to take down any information. When Mac called the Denver office of the FBI, he said he was shuttled to voice mail because"all the agents were busy."[xxvii] It was five hours before a seemingly uninterested agent called the restaurant manager. This agent, according to Mac, took a few notes and said she would pass the information along to the field agents who were handling the case.[xxviii]
This promise represented the full extent of the government's interest in the sighting even though Shukrijumah had been labeled by FBI Director Robert Mueller as"the next Mohammad Atta" and even though the FBI had posted a $5 million reward for any information leading to his capture. The federal and state law enforcement officials failed to interview the restaurant workers and the patrons, purportedly even those who were willing to verify the presence of the terrorists in the restaurant. No forensic evidence was obtained from the scene by any law enforcement officials - - not even the utensils that had been used by the suspects. When contacted by The Denver Post, Monique Kelso, spokeswoman for the Denver bureau, said the office had received at least a dozen calls as a result of the BOLO. The calls, Kelo said, were all taken seriously. She added, "We follow up on every lead."[xxix]
Following the incident in Colorado, the diminutive Shukrijumah resurfaced at a terrorist summit in the lawless Waziristan Province of Pakistan in April 2004. The summit has been described by the FBI as a "pivotal planning session" in much the same manner as a 2000 meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur for the 9-11 attacks. Attending the summit were Abu Issa al Hindi, a Pakistani technician whose company contained plans for staging attacks at financial institutions in New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C., and Mohammed Babar, who has been charged with buying materials to build bombs for attacks in Great Britain [xxx] Babar is an American citizen and resident of Queens, New York, where he was a leading member of the Islamic Thinkers Society, a group that burned the American flag during a demonstration before the Israeli consulate in 2006 and held up placards stating:"The mushroom cloud is on its way."[xxxi]
On May 27, 2004, Adnan el Shukrijumah was spotted at an Internet café in Tegucigalpa, the hilly capital of Honduras, where he made calls to France, Canada, and the U.S. He was described as badly dressed and bearded. At his table were Mara Salvatrucha leaders (jefes) from Panama, Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador.[xxxii] According to the café owner, who recognized Adnan from photos in the newspaper, he spoke to the jefes in English and Spanish. Shukrijumah's presence at the cafe was later verified by the Honduran Security Ministry, who confirmed that the elusive terrorists had made telephone calls from there to France, the U. S., and Canada.[xxxiii]
On June 12, Gulshair el Shukrijumah, Adnan's radical father, died in Miramar as a result of a stroke. Some sources attributed his demise to "the will of Allah." His funeral was attended by around 1,000 people who "prayed for Allah to accept their departed Sheik into his arms." Ibrahim Dremali, the Imam of the Boca Raton Islamic Center, said that Gulshair had"a positive effect on people."[xxxiv]
From Tegucigalpa, Adnan made his way north to Belize in British Honduras and, from Belize, to Mexico's Quintana Roo State, south of Cancun.[xxxv] He remained in Mexico for much of the summer of 2004. In late August, he was spotted in the northern Mexican province of Sonora near "terrorist alley," the main passageway for illegal aliens, including OTMs (other than Mexicans) and "Special Interest Aliens" - - to the land of Mickey Mouse, MTV, and George W. Bush.[xxxvi]
Concern about Shukrijumah's extended stay in Mexico was heightened in November 2004 with the arrest in Pakistan of Sharif al-Masri, a key al Qaeda operative. Al Masri, an Egyptian national jihadist with close ties to al Zawahiri, bin Laden's No. 2 man, informed interrogators that al-Qaeda had made arrangements to smuggle nuclear supplies and tactical nuclear weapons into Mexico. From Mexico, the weapons were to be transported across the border with the help of a Latino street gang. The gang was later identified as Mara Salvatrucha, the gang that Adnan had trekked across the North American continent to meet in a Honduran café, and the plans that he discussed with the gang leaders were the plans that had been purportedly finalized at the terrorist summit in Waziristan.[xxxvii]
In response to this information, U.S. officials began monitoring all heavy trucks crossing the border, while Mexican officials pledged to keep close watch over flight schools and aviation facilities. Such precautions may have been adopted too late. A Piper PA Pawnee crop duster was stolen from Ejido Queretaro near Mexicali on November 1, 2004. The plane's tail number was XBCYP. The thieves, Mexican officials surmised, were either drug dealers or al-Qaeda operatives, and clearly one was a highly trained pilot who met the description of Adnan el-Shukrijumah.[xxxviii
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