27 May 2007
DHS Declassifies Northwest Flight 327 Report
By Annie Jacobsen in category Federal Air Marshals, Dry Runs and Probes
The Department of Homeland Security has declassified the Inspector General's report on Northwest Flight 327 — a flight which I was a passenger on back in June of 2004. It took the US government two years and eleven months to confirm what I have been writing since the flight landed — in my 28-part series for and in Terror in The Skies, Why 9/11 Could Happen Again (Spence 2005) i.e:
The flight was a dry run for a future terrorist attack involving planes.
The Federal Air Marshal Service grossly mishandled what happened during the flight.
The Syrians terrified flight crew and passengers.
The Federal Air Marshal Service grossly mismanaged what happened after the flight landed in Los Angeles.
The Federal Air Marshal Service attempted to cover up their egregious incompetence by issuing false statements and misleading the public about the severity of what happened on the flight.
Audrey Hudson of The Washington Times has a Page One article today, Sunday, "More Details on Flight 327 Released." According to the paper, Hudson will report further on the DHS declassified investigation on Wednesday.
The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) obtained a copy of the fifty-one page report through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) which you can download from their website.
Ironic note: DHS now refers to the group as a "band" (in quotes) because the Syrians were not a band — that was their cover. The declassified DHS report also confirms what I reported last month: that the Syrians from Flight 327 were involved in an earlier dry run — on January 28, 2004. The FBI had flagged this dry run into their incident base six months before Northwest 327 took flight.
The Washington Times: Blogs a buzz over Flight 327.